Chapter 17

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hey guys! hope all are doing well!! see you at the end...


Betty Cooper's Home

"I understand but I..." Matt tries to reason out for the nth time with Charlie why he prefers to stay at some nearby hotel. But Charlie insists on him staying with his family, Matt fake sighs "Okay! But if I feel weird..." he starts and Charlie completes his sentence " can move to a hotel or some other place anytime!!" Matt smiles. "Okay! Thanks again man!!" Matt informs Charlie while he replies with gratitude as this was a way to repay him for all his help during Alice and Betty's trip. He ended the call, looks at the phone thinking and turns around to see three teenagers standing at a distance. He could recognise that dancing blonde ponytail anywhere, he smiled immediately; he quickly recognised the black hair pearl wearing girl and red-haired bulldog jacket boy from what he heard.

As if on cue, the blond girl turned towards him and but soon stood there completely taken aback. He smiled even more seeing Betty's shocked face; Alice had informed him that she hadn't told Betty about his arrival so it would be surprise for her and her face was making him glad about the decision. Her shocked expression finally formed into a big smile, she instantly started to jog towards him. He noticed the surprised expression of her friends, before bending down to hug her. "Oh my god!" Betty exclaimed making Matt laugh, "How are you Blondie??" he asked still hugging her.

Betty broke from the hug, "I'm fine thank you...I can't believe you're here!" he smiled and looked at the two people who looked at him with the same amount of surprise. Archie looked at Matt completely taken aback by Betty's action, Veronica who had her jaws down in shock, smiled "that must be him! The guy from the trip!!" she whispered making Archie clench his fist in jealousy. He had half a heart to walk straight up and push the guy away from Betty even though he looked taller and built than he was. Betty turned towards her friends and smiled, "Guys!" Veronica pulled Archie along as they walked up to them.

"Guys, this is Matt...Matt browns! He's a FBI agent, who helped us in our trip!!" Betty introduced happily smiling between her friends and Matt. Archie had a serious face while Veronica smiled and extended her hand first, "it's so good to meet you, I've heard a lot about you!!" both Matt and Betty looked at Veronica questioningly. Matt extended his hands to Archie who took it gritting his teeth, "I'm Archie Andrews..." Archie said in between. "I know...I've heard lot more about you...all of you!!" he added the last word when he felt Betty lightly tab him on his back.

Archie looked at Betty, who was peeking from behind the huge frame of Matt. "Oh you guys are home! Why don't you all come inside?" Alice called seeing the crowd at lawn steps, the gang nodded and everyone went inside. Veronica almost immediately pulled Betty inside first while Matt gestured for Archie to join him and suddenly Archie didn't feel like a high-school-er anymore. His body language changed and walked in with Matt with a stern face.

All were settling down at the back yard with their drinks and snacks, Archie had not moved his eye-sight from Matt since he entered the house. Matt could feel his eyes but he could take a wild why his eyes were following him. Archie was more than just disturbed; he could feel Matt eyes follow Betty everywhere she went. He also caught them smiling, making eye signals and laughing behind Alice making him boil in anger. Alice existed the kitchen first leaving Betty and Matt to bring the snacks, "You're towns nice!" Matt made conversation, Betty narrowed his eyes making Matt laugh with a shrug. Betty had already told everything about Riverdale from Jason's murder to lodge moving in, her sister twins to Sisters of quiet mercy, from her being the infamous black hood to the farm taking her sister in...everything that has happened in Riverdale.

So when he said that it was a nice town she couldn't help but stare at him, he laughed "Oh C'mon! What do people do or don't has nothing to do with the town... it's an innocent soul!" Matt told earning a jab from Betty as she carried the snacks tray to her friends followed by a laughing Matt. Archie's curiosity was fuelling his anger more and more as he kept glancing between Betty and Matt. Alice and Betty kept on saying how much he had helped and showed them around on their trip, the gang was having a great time laughing while Archie brooded throughout with occasional smiles. Betty noticed Archie's bad mood but before she could ask him, she was kept on getting pulled into the conversation.

"So how come you're visiting our wicked little town now?" Veronica asked sipping at her juice, Matt laughed leaning back in his chair "Well I have work nearby and not exactly in Riverdale...but Charlie insisted I stay here and work! So I couldn't refuse!!" Archie looked at him suspiciously, "I mean...I did refuse but he didn't listen!" he added making the girls laugh. Alice finally remembered "oh! I almost forgot your coffee Matt...let me get it!" she got up and Matt instantly got up and followed her. Veronica hit Betty playfully as soon as both entered the house through the back door, "B! How come you forgot mention he was such a hottie when you described about him!!!" Betty looked at Veronica weirdly rubbing the place she just hit. Betty stared at Veronica "C'mon V!" Veronica pointed towards the house, "He is yummy... I mean of course I love Archie ... but he is seriously yummy!" Betty face momentarily fell but she rolled her eyes at Veronica, while Archie sat there in his own thought completely missing the girl's conversation.

Matt looked outside through the kitchen window, he saw the girls you know girl, with her heads together and laughing every other minute. He smiled and shifted his focus to the red-head, who was looking at his direction, Matt raised his brows but Archie barely batted an eyebrow looking in his direction. He turned towards Alice, who placed a cup for her to pour the coffee into; "So that's Archie I suppose?" he said gaining Alice's attention, Alice momentarily looked outside and back at Matt.

She smiled at him "That obvious hah??" she asked as she handed him the cup, Matt nodded "I think with that death stare... anyone can tell!" Alice laughed at his comment. "And that's Veronica Lodge... the daughter of Hiram Lodge who terrorised Riverdale second to Black hood! But now I guess he's laying low!!" she informed while he nodded in response. The phone rang making Alice head out of the kitchen, Matt turned towards the window again sipping his coffee, he saw now the three were talking now and slowly smirked at himself before heading out again.

Matt walked out with his cup looking at the trio, "Yes, I'm back with my coffee now!!" he said sitting next to Betty making the small amount of smile that was on Archie's face fall completely. "So how long are you planning to stay? ...there are some wonderful places to site-see at Riverdale!" Veronica exclaims making both Betty and Archie look at her confused. Both of them knew there weren't many places worth watching except for the lake maybe, but they were more surprised because Veronica was the one who always complained there weren't any. Veronica happily looked at Betty "You should take him site-seeing, B!" she said earning a knowing looking from Betty and eye-roll from Archie. Matt sensing the emotions, "I would love to see them..." Matt intentionally put his hands around Betty and pulled her closer.

"...and I could use your help while I'm on the case too!" Betty looked excited while Veronica looked more amused than anyonewhile they failed to notice the shocked and angered expression of Archie whowas literally clenching his hands. Matt noticed this and let go of Bettylaughing to him, confirming his own hypothesis. Betty turned towards Matt "So what's the case about!" Matt thought for seconds "It's..." he saw Betty's excited face while she and Veronica leaned in "...a secret!" the girls faceinstantly fell instantly making Matt burst out laughing. Betty hit himplayfully while Veronica laughed along with him, Archie silently let out afrustrated sigh absolutely forgetting about the resolve he had when he left pop'sdiner in the evening.


So hope you guys liked it...sorry for the short update!

I know the latest has many in confusion and frustration but let's hold onto one strong feature of #Barchie...hope! We've survived 3 season without one, lets hope for the best and enjoy the ride.

Be inside and take care


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