+ my girl

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"I wasn't flirting with that girl!" Tony whisper yells as he follows me through the mall. We were at Charlotte rues and he was definitely checking out the cashier. I mean why wouldn't he. She was literally so beautiful. Perfect blonde hair with blue eyes and a skinny figure. I continue to ignore him until we reach forever 21.

"She was starring at me! What was I supposed to do? Jump her?" I continue to ignore him and look through clothes. Nothing here would fit me. My body was curvier than other girls; my stomach was flat but my butt poked out a lot more which caused me to only wear leggings. I hate the way I look to be completely honest.

I turn to face him since I knew he wasn't going to stop following me. "Leave me alone Tony. I know you don't want to be with me so why keep this going? You just feel bad for me and I get that." I storm out of the store and into the girls bathroom.

Tony's pov

She storms off into the girls bathroom leaving me clueless. Why would she think I didn't want her? She's beautiful in my eyes and till this day I can't find one person who will ever top her. She has the body most girls pray to have but she doesn't see that. Besides her body I fell in love with her personality and I wouldn't let her go for anything. She drove me crazy which is why I'm currently following her into the girls bathroom. There was an older women maybe in her 40's washing her hands and gasped when she saw me. She instantly rushed out of the bathroom but I couldn't care less. All I wanted was to find my babygirl.

"Tony, what the hell is wrong with you?" She says motioning around to where I followed her.
"Get out."

"I'm not leaving until you know how much I love you." I say grabbing her hands. I pick her up and place her on the sinks. "You should never feel like you're not good enough and I hate myself for making you think you're not the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. I fell in love with you because instead of yelling at me when I spilt my coffee on you that time we first met at Dunkin' Donuts you laughed it off. I fell in love with you because instead of going out doing girly things with your friends you rather stay at home with me and beat my ass at COD." I say laughing at the ending. I always say I let her win but we both know that's not the case.

"I love you Tony." She says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I love you too mamas but we should really go before that lady calls security." I say making her laugh.


So fuck my update schedule 😂😭
I never know how to end these imagines😐
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