Period ~ Tony

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It's been a week and Tony still hasn't talked to me. We got into this heated argument about him jokingly saying he fucked a girl that walked past us in the school halls. I honestly thought he'd get over me calling him a fuck boy but he obviously hasn't.

Every day he walks past me as if he didn't know me. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him but I am not in the wrong. He shouldn't have made the joke and that's that.

I walked through my second period class finding my way to my usual seat. The desk near by was empty as Tony wasn't in it. A few minutes after the bell rings he comes into the class looking pissed as ever.

"Mr. Lopez another tardy and it's a detention." He rolls his eyes ignoring her and comes to sit in the desk by me. I don't think he would've sat by me if all the other desks weren't taken.

In the middle of me finishing my work assignment my stomach starts to cramp. Thinking nothing of it I get up to hand my work in. When I walk back I can't help but look at Tony, but his expression gets softer as I walk towards my desk.

"Y/n." He whispers trying to get my attention. I ignore him and pull my phone out to distract me.

"Y/n." He says a little louder causing some students to look at us.

"What?" He takes his hoodie off and hands it to me. What is his dumb ass doing?

"Tie it around your waist." He whispers almost inaudible.

Confused I look down and see that my white pants are stained with a little dot of dark red. I quickly take the sweater and wrap it around my torso and tuck the longer part under me so I wouldn't get anything on the chair.

"Thank you."


The bell finally rings signaling my escape home. It was only third period but I wasn't gonna walk around blood butted everywhere. As I walk through the doors I feel someone tug me. It was Tony.

"I wanted to talk about what happened." I look at him signaling him to continue talking.

"That day we got into that argument I wasn't mad because of a stupid name. I just realized that maybe I wasn't doing what I had to be doing as a boyfriend to make you feel special and wanted. To make you feel like you're the only girl I see. I love you y/n and I know I fucked up. I just can't spend another day without talking to you." He places his hands on my waist looking deep into my eyes.

"I guess I'll forgive you, I mean you did save me in class today." I say playfully rolling my eyes.


Istg idk how to write imagines to save my life

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