Pop tart ~ Ondreaz

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Once the bell rings I quickly rush out of the school and sit on one of the outside tables.

I take the pop tart that I've been craving since 4th period, when Avani was having a whole conversation about pies with Mattia. I don't exactly know why or how the conversation was brought up but I couldn't have cared less.

I slowly lick my lips as the pop tart wrapper gets ripped at the 'tear here' mark. It didn't take long for my mouth to start watering.

"I fucking love you, imma tear you up," I say to the delicious snack in front of me. I take a huge bite before speaking again, "you leave me wanting more."

"The fuck..." I turn around to see Ondreaz starring at me making me feel embarrassed. "Bitch you needa eat it with emotion, it's not a 2 dollar whore." He says taking the other pop tart and passionately biting it.


What the actual fuck...
I swear I can write better than this😂

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