+ parenting

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As the movie Tony and I were watching comes to an end, our 12 year old daughter shyly walks in. By now Tony knows her ways so he quickly asks, "what do you want munchkin."

She sits on the end of our bed smiling sweetly. "Can I get nails?" She pleads. Tony looks at her as if she had five heads.

"Don't you have some?" He says lifting himself up a bit and examining her hand.

"No dad I mean like Mommys." She sighs pointing over to my acrylic nails. Before Tony says something dumb as always, I respond.

"Why? Your nails are beautiful Yari."

"Yeah but Emma and Kyla have them." She says crossing her arms.

"Do you know what nails leads to?" Tony asks dramatically. She shakes her head no and he continues. "Nails lead to looking grown up and looking grown up leads to getting attention from boy's, attention from boys lead to dating and dating leads to having babies and babies lead to death... do you really wanna die Yari?"

I'm trying my hardest not to burst out laughing. She looks terrified. She slowly gets up from our bed and walks to her room still looking terrified.

"Tony you did not need to scare her like that." I say slapping his shoulder while laughing.

"I taught her two lessons at once."

"Which are?"

"No boyfriends and no fake nails." He says looking accomplished.


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