States ~ Ondreaz

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if you wrote in a request i'll try and get it done by today 💙

I live in a world where every state has their own curse or gift. for example;

Connecticut; you speak your thoughts at midnight

New York; whatever your soulmate writes on their skin shows up on yours

California; on your twelve birthday the amount of years left you have to live is written on your arm

New Jersey; you feel what ever pain your soulmate feels

I so happened to be born and raised in Connecticut, recently moved to Jersey a year ago. No one really knows of course. As far as anyone knows I've always lived in New Jersey, just been homeschooled.

If anyone knew where I was truly born they'd use it against me. I've also never been past my front door after 11. I couldn't risk the chance of getting stopped somewhere until midnight and confessing something stupid.


As i'm taking notes for English I see a paper fly across the room. "Fuck," Dre whispers shoving his face into his hand. I watch as Brooke opens the crumbled paper reading it. Her face scrunches before she throws it at me.

"It's for you four eyes." From the one year of being here she has already made her ways into my nightmares. Her popularity has gone to her head and it shows.

I take the note and un crumble it.

dear y/n, up for a party?
~ Dre

I look over and see Ondreaz already starring at me with a smile. I hesitate before nodding my head yes.

I'll leave at 10...
I'll leave at 10...
I'll leave at 10...


As i'm adjusting my glasses I hear multiple dings coming from my phone.

Gucci's Lemonade Stand 🍋

Tony💯: who's going to Dre's party? i need a ride

Taylor🍑: me but i'm not picking ur short ass up you live right next to him

Tony💯: y/n is now the shortest person in our group so i don't wanna hear shit


Ondreaz💜: it's not nice to make fun of midgets

I roll my eyes at the short joke. 5'5 is a normal height for my age, the boys just so happen to be giants. My only friends are those guys so I have to put up with them.

Once i'm done getting ready I head over to Ondreaz's. The smell of weed and liquor heavily hits my nose when I walk in. Not that I minded.

"You made it." Ondreaz says excitedly. His smile honestly made me weak.

"Well I heard my favorite person was gonna be here so I had to."

"Aw i'm special?" Ondreaz smiles goofily.

"No I meant Tony." His smile fades into a frown before playfully pushing my shoulder.


It's been thirty minutes and Ondreaz still hasn't come back from his trip to get drinks. I scan around the living room trying to find him only to spot Brooke grinding herself against him. I don't know if it's the drinks but he seemed to be enjoying it.

I can't even lie, it hurts... to see someone you have such strong feelings for with another person but i'd never be bold enough to admit it.

I make my way over to Taylor as the song changes to something more sexual. My hips make their way to his, grinding slowly. He lets out a soft groan. All I can picture is Ondreaz.

"What?" Taylor asks laughing.

"What happened?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Girl shut up and get your man. You just said all you picture is him," he yells over the music. My eyes widen as I check my phone for the time.


I need to leave.

I make my way through the crowd of people but when I reach the door Ondreaz stops me.

"Going home? I can take you." He says scanning my face for any harm. He's always been this way. Protective. Its a characteristic i've fell in love with.

"Thanks," he says looking down and running his hands through his hair.

It's too late...

I make my way over to the radio shutting it down so that I could be audible.

"Ondreaz I've been in love with you ever since I met you but your tongue is always down some wannabe Tayler Swifts throat." At this point i'm practically yelling and everyone has stopped what they're doing to watch me. "I think about you every day and it pains me to watch you with another girl when all I picture is you and I." He stares at me with a light smirk.

"And brooke, you've been the exact reason half of the school has depression. The day you finally act cordial will be the day pigs fly." She gasps and looks around for anyone to say otherwise. They all just slowly sip their drinks avoiding eye contact with her.

"Tony, I love you like a brother but you're the size of a barbie doll. Taylor don't dare laugh because your breath smells like cheese and spinach." They both take glances at me wondering what's going on.

Before I can embarrass myself more than I already have I make my way out of the door.

"y/n! Wait." Ondreaz yells chasing after me. I make it home and to my surprise he's followed me the whole way here.

"Where are you actually from?" he asks sounding off. Mad almost.

"Connecticut." I manage but it comes out barely audible.

"Why haven't you told me?" his face shows confusion. He sits on my bed, processing everything.

"I didn't want to embarrass myself like I did today." I simply say looking at the ground.

"I just want you to know I feel the same way. We haven't known each other long but I feel different around you. Safe, like i'm at home. You walk in a room and make everything ten times better. You're the reason i'm always smiling and it sounds corny but I fucking love you," he says out of breath.

I move from my spot at the door to be closer but my hip hits my dresser painfully.

"Owe," Ondreaz yells, holding his hip from across the room. We both laugh realizing what just happened.

"Wow you really are my soulmate."


ok this is super bad i'm sorry y'all had to witness it

little rant

i haaaate like hate with a whole ass passion when writers can't be realistic.
and i don't mean unrealistic like super powers bow bow bitch but
if i read ur story and the character is talking the way i used to talk through my barbie dolls i'm exiting your story asap

"no one likes you ugly"
the main character : "Ondreaz she said something mean to me" 😐💀

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