He gets sick ~ preference

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~ Tony

+ a literal baby
"Cuddle me please"

+ has you cooking 5 star meals because he's 'sick'

+ orders you around without realizing
"Make me soup"
"Turn on the heater"
"Turn off the heater and turn on the ac"
"I want orange juice"
"Gimme dat ass"

+ tells you he loves you every second

+ you make fun of him because of the way he sounds with a stuffed nose

~ Ondreaz

+ won't admit he's sick because he wants to keep his cool guy image in front of you

+ you seeing right through that and knowing something's wrong with him

+ he finally breaks after a few minutes of trying to hide his coughing fits

+ "I'm fine I- *sneezes*"
"Aw you're so cute"
"No y/n I'm hot and sexy... *sneezes*"

+ you getting sick the next day for being so close to him

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