We can do this ~ Ondreaz

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As I sat on the corner of my bed, I looked down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. First off I'm not ready but with Ondreaz anything's possible. The butterfly's in my stomach were going crazy. I couldn't help but let a tear slip out.

As I'm thinking the door job starts to shake hut before I could hide the test Ondreaz opens the door and sees me.

"Babe why are you crying ?" He asks looking at my eyes. His eyes then trail down to my hands and to the pregnancy test. He has an unreadable look on his face and takes it from me. "You're pregnant?" He asks sitting down next to me.

"Yeah." I say letting more ears slip out. He grabs my hand and leans me towards him.

"We can do this babygirl." He says holding me tight


omb ending got me fucked up
hopefully it's all a dream and season three is someone waking up from it cause this ain't it

i waited a year or more for cesar to look like something out of avatar 😐

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