Side chick 2 ~ Ondreaz

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I hesitantly knock on Y/n front door when her brother I believe opens the door.

"Who are you?" He asks me while eating string cheese. He looks a little older than me with curly hair and brown eyes just like Y/n.

"Y/n left a bag in my car I'm here to return it." I say trying to use every correct grammar I learned in school.

"She's upstairs." He says backing away from the door so I could come in. "Her room is down the hall, the left door." He says going to the living room with a couple of other guys and her brother Joel. I'm guessing those are her brothers and her dad. The only one I know is Joel because he goes to our school. I walk down the hall and to the room with a door that has light blue sparkles and a sign saying "Y/n". I knock on it and about a minute later she answers with a worried face.

"Oh you have my bag." She says taking it from my hand. "Thank you." She says closing the door but I stick my foot out before she could fully close it.

"I know what you have in there." I say. She does the same worried face she had on a minute ago. She was about to talk but I cut her off before she could. "I just want to know if I'm the only guy you're sleeping with." I blandly ask her, trying to show the least emotion.

Before she speaks she brings me in her room and sits on her bed motioning for me to do the same. "You're the only guy I ever slept with, but remember that time you forgot to wear a condom and said that nothing would happen? Did you pull out?" She asks me. I think about if I did but I really can't remember since we were both pretty tipsy that night.

"I really don't know but go take the tests to make sure and we'll talk about it later." She gets up to take them with her.

She comes back 3 minutes later without the tests. I give her a questioning face and she laughs. "You have to wait 2 to 3 minutes for the results, didn't we learn this last week in health?" She asks but I don't really pay attention in health. I'm usually distracted by her since she sits next to me.

"Don't remember." I say laughing. "Can we talk about this real quick?" I ask her.

"Yeah of course." She says putting her head down. I use my index finger to put her head back up so she could look at me in the eyes.

Should I just confess my feelings right here?
Is it even a good time to do that.
Fuck it.

"If you are pregnant.. I'll be there for you. I was actually going to break up with Karlee to ask you out. I just have more connection with you. I know this was supposed to be no strings attached but I couldn't help it. And if you are pregnant it's gonna be better if we're together too. So what I'm asking is... would you be my girlfriend?" By the time I'm done talking she's crying. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, if she is pregnant.

"I caught feelings for you too Dre but I have to know you're not messing around with two of us still. It's not fair to anyone." She shyly says.

"I'll do it tomorrow I promise." I say hugging her tightly.

"It's been two minutes we should check the tests." She says looking a little scared. "Let's go together." We both walk hand in hand to the bathroom and look at each other.

"Let's do a count down from 3." I tell her before I start counting. "3, 2, 1." Once I say one we both look down at the counter where the tests are and see.....


Y/n immediately starts crying into my chest. "It's gonna be alright. I got you guys I promise." I say rubbing her belly. My child. She's having my child.

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