+ teen mom

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I wake up from the sound of my alarm and sigh. It's time to get Mia ready and take her to school. Don't get me wrong I love seeing her walk into her class room like the little queen she is but I just can't stand those other moms. I had Mia at 15, so all those moms walking there kids into class are way older than me and scold me down as if I caused some disease. I would tell Ondreaz to take her but he's always working late so I might as well just let him sleep in for a while.

As I try wiggling out of Dre's hold around me I start to hear my babygirl running to our room. "Mommy wake up!" I hear her yell as she barges through the door. That must've woken Dre up since I hear him groan.

"What happened?" He says in his sexy morning voice.
Before I could answer he fell asleep again.

I dress Mia up, put her to watch some cartoons and eat and go get dressed myself. I got Mia all dolled up since it was picture day.

"I wanna go too," says Dre looking like he already got dressed.

"You lookin cute," he says kissing my neck.

"Thank you baby, but let's go, Mia's gonna be late" I grab my keys and Mia and head to the car.

*skip car ride to school*

We get to the front door and wait for them to open the school. It's cold out and I can't help but shiver, I think Dre noticed cause he wraps his arms around my shoulder and leans his chin on my head as I watch Mia play with her friend near us. Then all of a sudden a middle aged lady with short red hair and capris on walks over to us. "It's so nice of you guys to bring your sister to school." Says the lady with a wide grin.

"Oh that's actually our daughter," I say smiling. Her smile quickly disappeared when I mentioned Mia was my daughter.

"Oh you look so young how old are you?" This magic school bus looking ass did not.

"I'm 19, why is there a problem ma'am?" I ask with an attitude. Dre already knew shit was about to go down cause he held my waist and told me to ignore her. That wasn't gonna happen.

"It's just funny how people can be so irresponsible at an age so young to have a child. When I was your age-" I had enough of this lady.

"Look you Oompa Loompa on crack looking ass, whatever you were doing in the late 1800's has nothing to do with me having my beautiful daughter a bit early so if you don't mind can you take yourself elsewhere." She's lucky Mia was next to me cause I was gonna throw hands. Tears started threatening to fall down. I can't stand when people judge me about my age and when I had my daughter, it gets so overwhelming. Ondreaz weirdly knowing everything about me so he knew I was gonna cry.

"Y/n don't listen to her, we didn't do nothing wrong, we just had our babygirl a little bit earlier then others that's all," he said kissing my lips and bending down to snuggle his head in the crook of my neck. This boy was tall asf and me short as a midget. We soon got interrupted by Mia calling after us.

"The doors opened." She says in her cute little soft voice. Hearing her talk all day wouldn't bother me at all.


Idk who let my cringy 12 year old self have wattpad.
My writing has definitely developed 😂
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