Part 6: Coronation

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The coronation came faster than I had thought and soon enough,  we were all standing on a balcony waiting for Ben to walk in and be crowned King. Soon enough, Ben walked into the building and everyone bowed respectfully. Once he was all the way down the aisle, he greeted his mom, dad, and Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother bowed to Ben before turning around and giving Belle a nod. At her nod, The Beast took the glass cover off of Fairy Godmother’s wand. Fairy Godmother took the wand and my eyes never left the beautiful thing.

“Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?” Fairy Godmother asked.

“I do solemnly swear,” Ben said.

“Come on, Mal,” I mumbled, impatiently. “Grab the wand.”

“Give her time, Chloe,” I heard Harry whisper. “It’s not time yet.”

“It’s practically right in her face!” I whisper yelled.

“Just wait a minute,” Harry said, sensing my impatientness.

I started to pay attention again as Fairy Godmother went from Ben’s right shoulder to his left shoulder, saying something about honor and blessings or whatever. That’s when she lifted the wand and someone grabbed ahold of it.

“It’s about time, Mal,” I said, leaving my spot on the balcony and running down the stairs to stand by her.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard a static-lightning sound come from the wand and saw a line of blue go out the window. She was taking the barrier down over the Isle. I smiled and watched Ben stand in front of Mal as the Fairy Godmother’s kid, I think her name was Jane or something, waved the wand around. Jane said something about not being beautiful before saying bippity boppity something. Then, Mal grabbed the wand from Jane. Ben scampered away from Mal to protect his parents.

“Mal, give me the wand” I heard Ben say as I walked over to Mal.

“Stand back,” Mal said, pointing the wand at Ben.

“It’s okay,” Ben said, sounding hurt and taking a step towards Mal.

“Ben, she said stand back,” I said, as the other four appeared behind me and Mal.

“Let’s go,” Harry said.

“Revenge time,” Jay said.

“You really want to do this?” Ben asked, sounding utterly confused.

“We have no choice, Ben,” Mal said. “Our parents-”

“Your parents made their choice. Now make yours,” Ben said, making me scoff.

“They may have made their choice, but we made our choice to listen to them,” I said. “So, we need to take the wand to them.”

“Are you even listening to yourself?” Ben asked.

“She’s got a point though,” Harry said. “We did make our choice to come here and go through with our parent’s plan. Now we have to set them free.”

“No,” Mal said.

I turned to face her. “No?”

“I think I want to be good,” Mal said.

“You think?” I asked.

“You are good,” Ben said.

“How do you know that? How do you know she’s good?” Harry asked.

“Because I’m listening to my heart,” Ben said.

“Who wants to listen to their heart? That’s dumb,” I said. “Now, if you don’t want to do this, give me the wand and I’ll finish what you four started.”

“Aren’t you listening, Chloe?” Mal asked before turning to Evie, Carlos, and Jay. “Stealing doesn’t make you happy, Jay. Tourney and victory pizza makes you happy. Carlos, scratching Dude’s belly makes you happy.” I looked at Carlos in disgust. “And Evie… You are smart and don’t need to play dumb to get a guy.”

“What in Zeus’ name is going on?!” Harry said. “Stealing is in our blood. You,” Harry pointed at Carlos, “were absolutely terrified of dogs. What happened?” Harry looked at Evie. “And what happened to you wanting a beautiful castle with a handsome prince. You know, with tons of mirrors?”

“We came to Auradon and met everyone here,” Mal said before putting her hand out. “I choose good.”

“I choose good, too,” Jay said, putting his hand on Mal’s.

“I choose good,” Evie said, putting her hand on Jay’s.

Mal, Evie, and Jay looked at Carlos with questioning looks.

“Our parents are going to be really mad at us,” Carlos said. “And Chloe and Harry made some pretty good points.”

“Your parents can’t reach you here,” Ben said.

“But when I get back to the Isle, I am so telling mom,” I said.

“I don’t care, I choose good,” Carlos said, placing his hand on Evie’s.

“You are all crazy!” I exclaimed. “What happened to being bad?!”

Suddenly, green smoke came through a window and Maleficent appeared.

Thank Zeus, finally someone who can help get these four in their right minds.

“I’m back,” Maleficent said in a sing-song voice.

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