
4.9K 198 14

Trigger warning
A week had passed and Jungkook hadn't been found by the police yet. Jin and Namjoon were afraid by the time Jungkook was found, it's be too late, and he would've tried to end his life by then.

Jungkook had checked into a hotel. He couldn't go to Jimin and Taehyung, or Hoseok and Yoongi because he knew they'd only turn him back in to Jin and Namjoon.

Jungkook entered his room after being out at a small restaurant, his vision blurry from the tears in his eyes. He felt like he just couldn't live anymore at this point. He felt like Jin and Namjoon would be disgusted if they found up it the things his grandfather did to him.

Jungkook took out his phone to tell Jin and Namjoon goodbye. He sat on the bed and texted through his tears.

Jin's phone suddenly buzzed and he sat up in bed, Namjoon asleep beside him. He gasped as he read who it was from.

BabyBunny: Jin, Namjoon, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a burden on you two. I didn't deserve any of your help or love. I can't live with myself anymore. I feel like I've messed up to much, and maybe your lives would be better without me. I loved you guys, but it's time for me to say goodbye now. I've decided to end my life because maybe everyone else would be better off without me too. Goodbye guys, thank you for everything❤️

Jin burst into tears, which woke Namjoon up. "Jin, baby, what's wrong?" He murmured sleepily. "J-Joonie look-" Jin chocked our as he handed Namjoon the phone.

Namjoon read over the text, his heart rate increasing. "Fuck..." He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair, tears welling up in his eyes. At the moment, Namjoon's phone rang.

Namjoon picked it up. "Hello?" Namjoon breathed out, a few tears falling down his cheeks. "Kim Namjoon?" The officer asked. "Yes, that's me." Namjoon said.

"This is the police department, we've located Jungkook at a hotel downtown. We've sent a couple officers to get him." The police officer said. "Oh thank god-" Namjoon breathed out. "Thank you so much." Namjoon said before hanging up.

"What?" Jin murmured, wiping some tears away. "The police said they know where he is." Namjoon said and hugged Jin. "Oh my gosh, I h-hope it's not too late." Jin said.

Jungkook entered the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water, razor blade ready in hand. Once it was filled, he shut the water off, not bothering to take any clothes off as he got in and rolled up his long sleeves. Suddenly getting a flashback.

Jungkook was 15 at the time, still afraid to tell his parents but he was about to be pushed over the edge.

He was forced to visit his grandparent's house while his parents went on their wedding anniversary vacation. They didn't trust him at the house alone so they dropped him off there.

Jungkook was in the backyard in the hot tub, avoiding his grandfather per usual. He suddenly heard the back food close and footsteps approaching. Jungkook began to tense up.

"Hey there." His grandfather grinned as he stepped into the hot tub. Jungkook's breathing began to become erratic as his grandfather got closer. Jungkook moves away but his grandfather grabbed him.

"S-Stop-" Jungkook tried to yell, but it came out barely audible. This happened every time. He'd freeze up and become helpless. This also happened when his dad hit him, but his father had been out of the picture for a few years now after his mother divorced him.

Jungkook felt his grandfather tugging on his swim shorts. "Glad you know how to keep a secret." His grandfather chuckled as he fully took Jungkook's swim shorts off.

Jungkook tried so hard to move his hands to push him away, but he was too in shock and afraid. Then it happened. It happened and there was nothing Jungkook could do about it...

Jungkook breathed heavily as he placed the razor blade on his wrist and drove it into the artery, crying out in pain as he dragged it up his arm, blood rushing out.

He did the same on his other arm before tossing the razor blade on the floor. He instantly regretted it but it was two late now. He let his arms sing under the water, which was slowly turning red as he lost blood.

He was getting sleepier and sleepier, and it felt hard to breathe as he sat there, tears running down his face. After some minutes he heard loud knocking on the door of his hotel room, but it sounded so faint, he could barely tell what the noise was.

"Police, open up!" He heard very faintly, his eyes drooping. He heard a bang but everything suddenly went dark as he fell unconscious. The police entered the bathroom, one immediately calling the ambulance.

The other checked for his pulse. It was very, very weak. Jungkook was barely alive.

Jin and Namjoon sat anxious in their bedroom as they waited for a call from the police. When they finally did, they both weren't expecting the news they received.

"Hello?" Namjoon answered and put it on speaker. "Mr. Kim, we were able to get into Jungkook's room but...gosh how do I put this in words..." The officer mumbled the last part.

"I don't know how to tell you this but Jungkook attempted suicide. He had a week pulse when we found him in the bathtub with slit wrist. He was rushed to the hospital but we don't know if he's gonna make it. We're so sorry." The officer said, Jin silently breaking down into tears again.

"You better go to the hospital because I haven't received word at all." The officer said and Namjoon thanked him before hanging out. "Namjoon h-he's gone." Jin cried.

"Shh, no he's not baby." Namjoon pulled Jin in his arms. "They don't know yet, babe. We have to go to the hospital." Namjoon said. The two got out of bed and put their shoes and coats on before leaving the house.

When they made it to the hospital, they asked if there was a room for Jungkook. "Yes, he's under operation receiving a blood transfusion. There's a waiting area outside of his room that's empty at the moment." She said.

They took the elevator up to his floor and sat in the waiting area. Namjoon held Jin's hand, Jin resting his head on his shoulder as he continued to cry. It was late at night, and surprisingly, they were the only two there.

After a few hours of anxious waiting, a doctor entered the waiting room. "You two must be here for Jungkook?" She asked and they nodded. "Well, this was a very close call, but we managed to get Jungkook stable. He's still unconscious in his room. If you'd like to visit him, you may, but you'll only have about ten minutes. Extended visiting hours are almost over." She said and they thanked her.

They entered Jungkooks room, the boy connects to a few machines and bandages wrapped around both his arms. He was asleep and looked too peaceful. Jin walked over to his bed and held his hand, which was startlingly cold.

"Please don't do that again, bunny." Jin whispered as the tears fell. He wiped them away slowly and leaned down, planting a small kiss on his forehead. Jin left the room to prevent another breakdown, Namjoon staying and holding Jungkook's hand.

"I know you can hear me, baby, but Jin and I love you. So so much and we just wanted to help you. No matter how bad your past was, we'd still love you. Get better for us, baby boy." He whispered. He moved Jungkook's fluffy hair away from his forehead and kissed it gently before letting go of his hand and leaving the room.

Fuck I'm crying. Stream UGH for clear skin.

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