Chapter 1

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"Mom!" I yelled, "I'm Gonna be late for school but I can't seem to Find my sunglasses without looking! I need help!"

"I'm commin sweety just stay put!" She yelled back from downstairs

I sat on my bed waiting for her, my first day back in high-school and I'm gonna be late, fan-freakin tastic I just love the stares I get from everyone, I sighed, just because I wear glasses doesn't mean I'm blind.

I sighed heavily I already felt a headache forming and my heart pounding with every passing minute. Without thinking as I heard mom enter the room, I looked up at her and she flew back with a loud BAM! Against the wall. I closed my eyes quickly. "Sorry mom I'm so, so sorry did I hurt you?" I quickly got up and followed her breathing and knealt down to touch her arm.

She sighed heavily and got up, "Sweety I'm fine but you need to be careful, I know it's hard to find control, and when u turned 15 last year, I know your powers were thrown out of wack and I know it will take some getting use to, but you need to find control soon I don't know how long I can keep writing doctor notes before someone finds out the truth."

"Well I'm trying! What makes you think I'm not!" I yelled angrily.

She sighed "sweety I know you are.." she pause and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry" she walked passed me, then came back to slide a hard, cold,thick piece of plastic on my face. I opened my eyes and found control as I looked up at her she spoke "were all just stressing out a little but things will get better soon." She said it as if to convence herself more than me. "I'll drive you to school, now hurry." She said as she turned me around a patted my butt.

I shook my head she knew I hated when she does that. I quickly walked towards the bathroom to clean myself up and added some perfume. (My favorite scent warm milk and honey with rose's) who ever made this was genius, I sang the word "genius" a loud. I quickly went into my closet and threw on my favorite faded denim jeans with a white t-shirt. I left my hair alone, since it is naturally curly I let it just hang over my shoulders where it reached my butt. I quickly gelled and brushed it, so it wouldn't frizz. I added my shiney clear lip gloss and golden hoop earings. Good thing my glasses had gold in it. The design was like a brown and gold zebra stripe, I may not be wearing brown except on my skin and light golden brown hair, but what the heck it'll Have to do.

I ran down the stairs stole my dads unfinished toast in front of his face and then grabbed an umbrella and ran out the door towards the car shouting "thanks dad!" And "love you!" I couldn't hear him but I assumed he said "darn it Xea!" and "love you too sweety!"


I entered Ashburn High's front door and, as I entered, I was happy to see that kids were still in the hallway. I looked at my silver and gold wristwatch and thanked the heavens that I only had 10 minutes before the final bell rang. Turns out I forgot to fix my clock to the correct time, but I was too lazy this summer to even care to remember.

I looked at my schedule for first period and quickly walked down the hall towards the middle stairwell. I felt every eye on me and I sighed, I knew today was gonna be one heck of a day.

Hi, I hope u liked what I've Done so far, this is the first time I wrote something so public I'm 17 almost 18 :) I hope u comment and give me tips I hope to be a writer one day :) and tell me if you want more, I'm glad to share, er.. write more lol ;) thanks whom ever you are for reading my story hope u like.

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