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Taehyung POV

Where did jungkook, Yoongi hyung, and hobi hyung go? Where's rapper girl? I tap namjoon hyung on the shoulder.

Me: where did Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung go? And jungkook?

Namjoon shrugs. I sigh and then smirk. I know all the passwords on jungkooks phone. He always leaves his phone unlocked. Don judge me. I'm not creepy. 😁. I check his location. wut. He's at Panda Express without me? Kookie how could you! I start to leave but jimin stops me.

Jimin: where are you going?

Me:Panda Express

His face lights up and he grabs my hand and drags me with him to the car. We get in then he looks confused for a second.

Jimin: where was it again?

I look it up on google maps and show him the phone. He nods then starts driving. When we get there, we walk in to see the guys and RG sitting at a table. RG looks at her phone and snorts. She shows hobi hyung her phone. I decide to text her and nearly drop my phone when she texts me first

Through text



RG: wtf is this hm? Why must you attack me like this hm? What did I do to you?

RG: wtf is this hm? Why must you attack me like this hm? What did I do to you?

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Me: wut?

RG: you look like a whole ass snac wtf

My heart beat a little bit faster.

RG: like seriously I fucking choked on my nonexistent bite of lasagna

I giggle and she looks up at me. I freeze. She slowly raises both hands all the way up, then she does this odd half shriek.


I blush. I walk over and she half hugs me, not wanting to get up. Then she stuffs a piece of chicken into her mouth. Then she looks at me again, this time with big puppy eyes.

RG: yah why do you gotta look like a 4 course meal while my lunchable lookin ass looks like garbage?

Authors note

Omg. So basically. My Gmas 70th bday was 2 days ago. We were gonna celebrate her party on Saturday. So we had a reservation at a restaurant. They CANCELED our reservation WITHOUT EVEN TELLING US. So we went to a different place. This place oml. I got this grilled mahi-mahi fish or something. It looked okay but the boy sitting a few tables away still looked more like a meal than it did. ANYWAY. It smelled. It's not supposed to smell. But it did. The whole thing was colder than my soul. So basically. Old fish. That had been sitting out. And my mom told me to at least have 3 bites. I was all like nAh I dUn wUnT tO gEt sIcK. And she was all like eAt iT sO yOuR gMa dOeSnT wOrRy! I took 3 bites. Nasty. And then when i got home. I threw my guts up and passed out kinda. My mom kept trying to talk to me and I wasn't completely conscious. When I finally realized that she was talking to me I was so confused and was like BEACH WUT ARE YOU SAYIN?! WHY YOU TALKING TO ME?! IM NOT CONSCIOUS?! IM CONFUSION?! TF YOU TALKING ABOUT?! And she just kept talking and then I fainted. That was my weekend. The end.

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