A/N: 1

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Hey so, I was trying to write this story from a neutral perspective (to not reveal the gender of the main character/ y/n) because, ya know, some people reading this may not identify with the gender I made the character and might have preferred it this way.

But because I don't know what I am doing, and am not used to continuously writing to have my story's character neutral, I am finding it difficult and my writing quite stiff. So, I don't think that I will go back and change how they were written (tho future me may decide otherwise), from now on I will be making the main character a girl.

Sorry, I tried. I'm just not a good enough writer yet. ✒⌨ I may try something similar in the future when I am more comfortable with my writing, but who knows.

As always thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy 🎩🎩🎩
Bye byeeee 🖐💜🖤🖐

(I may change my mind while writing the next chapters, who knows. In which case I will just delete this.)

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