Take Me to the Sky: Ch 25

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Well tomorrow had been and gone. You had gotten around to telling her tommorow, but that tomorrow was a few tommorows after the tommorow you had initially intended.

As expected, your news was met with an array of complicated reactions. Glaring arrows of annoyance were shot at you as she complained "why only you," whilst daggers were also thrown as the grumpy demon pouted in protest, "you can't leave me". But then she switched to realisation and her eyes widened extensivly, like she was now a night dwelling woodland predictor who, when on the hunt, was attacked by their own prey. She was shocked and blabbered, "oohhh myyyyy loordyyy. You are going to Korea! Alone!?".

"Wow (y/n). What an opportunity," she grabbed your shoulder, the sore one, and you winced as her grip tightened. You felt like her prey. You were the mouse and she the owl. Her hold on you unrelenting.

"Ahhhhhh," she exclamed letting go and falling backwards onto your bed. Dramaticly. Arm on forehead and all. Like those women in old movies. Those women who are frail and faint onto sun couches by big open windows with waving curtains  when the world is to much. This was to much for her to handle. And then she was thrashing about on the bed, throwing the animals off and the room into disarray, "your gonna have so much fun," she said whinging. "You've got to make the most of this (y/n)," then she sat up as if she had been reanimated from the dead. You know, classic Mary Shelley's monster. Well, like with her monster, you debated the meaning behind (y/b/f's) actions, as well as the strange, unatural, power that seemed to flow with her every venture. She forcefully sprung up after muttering, "gotta write a list". Her exertion so great as she rose that the ceiling almost collapsed. Then she bolted to your desk, writing upon a scrap peice of paper faster then you could see or think, faster then lightning.

In seconds she was done and turned around with a crazed look, "you got to do everything on this list while you are there otherwise I will hunt you down. What point is there in letting you go if you don't at least do this much?" She questioned with a tilt of her head as she pulled your wrist and placed the parchment down on the flat of your hand.

You could only blink and question, "um, my education?"

She tisked and flicked her hair, "pish posh. You can get that anywhere. You can only do these things in Korea," she turned her lip up at you, rasing her chin and she concluded. Queen of the world; that is who she thought she was.

You chuckled and nodded. "Alright then," you spoke still amused by your friend as you folded the unread paper and packed into your waiting carry bag. You tucked it into a book to keep it safe. A novel you planned to read on your journy. A novel that you would be to nervous to even pick up. One you would forget about for a while. But you didn't know that. You couldn't read the future.

After this transpired, the two of you talked excitedly and packed. Discussing what should and shouldn't make the cut. What was necessary for your journey and what was deffinitly not. And your friend mainly focused on what should be taken out to make room for more merch.

"Ahhh, no. You can't remove the one stuffed animal I was gonna take just to fit in more branded clothes. I can get those kinds of things over there, but this dog is irreplaceable. Has been with me for life," you complain as (y/f) tried to do the taboo. She only clicked her tongue and reversed her actions as you continued, "plus if my only clothing is BTS merch then everyone is gonna think I am a mad, crazy, obsessed, fan. And even if I was. The world doesn't need to know that. Especially, first impressions". Glad that she had relented after hearing reason, well she only relented cause you promised to buy yourself and her a heap of clothing when you were over there, you finished packing with content happines. The presence of your best friend had calmed the uncertain nerves that were trekking up the mountain of determination inside of you, themselves determined to conquer; To sway your resolve.

The night passed peacefully, and so did the next few days. You had spent excessive amounts of time with your family, and of course best friend, in order to make up for the time you would miss. The time you would be appart. It was going to be a heck of a long time too. Passing your days in their loving presence, you finally arived at the day of your departure.

Suitcase in hand, bag on shoulder, and motivation in mind, your body swayed with each step. Swayed like a leaf falling to the ground uncertain in its decent. Uncertain that down was even the right way to fall. Your body was betraying your mind. And, not only in its desplay of your frail state, but also in the pain it produced everytime you even thought of turning around, of stoping and just walking home. Of breaking this whole engagement and just living here. Just going to university here instead of in Korea. But with each small doubt a cursing pain pinged over one of the shadows. The shadows that over the course of time since the concert had only continued to darken. Those shadows that you had ignored, put off going to see anyone about, or tell anyone about, and had just become adjusted to. Had grown used to, fond of, even.

You had also grown used to, but by no means fond of, the pain that sometimes accompanied the markings. And the pain was doing a lot of accompanying today. It was like it was guarding the marks and every doubt you held about moving forward was seen as an attack that warranted defence, retribution. So, in the end, not wanting to be attacked by your own body for merely thinking doubtfully, you decided to march on. March forward onto your flight and just go to Korea, insecurities be damned! And then the hurt stopped and you didn't question it. You didn't question the connection between your decisions, your thoughts, and the pain because you didn't want to.

You just moved forward. Teary goodbyes at the the international gate as you left your family, friend, and all that you know behind, headed for a new, unseen, world.

Exciting. It was exciting. And you felt giddy. The whole, longer then your sanity, flight over, you felt hyper. And you didn't really know why the feeling was so extreme. But it stopped you from being able to focus on anything, anything but imagining posiblities. And as they say, possibilities are endless.

But the flight did eventuality end, and so did your use of imagination. The posibilities that filtered through your mind came to a neverending stop. The endless ride they took you on holting at its beginning. And you thought to make the posibility a reality. You were going to be happy here. You were gonna work hard and make friends. Great friends who would cherish your company and who you could cherish in turn. You were gonna love it here.


I don't wanna do my homework

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