Sleepy, that's what I am: Ch 19

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You made your way back to the hotel. Yellow and orange lights illuminating the busy night as you padded along. As you stayed close to the road in avoidance of those who passed you by, you constantly pulled up the fabric by you neck. Concerned that the marks would be seen even though the fabric had not faltered once since your departure.

Shortly you arived, demotavated by the endless hight that disappeared into the unforgiving darkness above. There was so far left to travel and you were tired of this day, wishing it away. In this moment you only wanted to curl up into your blankets like a cat before the fireplace. Warmth and comfort and none of what you were feeling right now.

Though in any other moment, you would have chosen to venture through the revolving doors that spur interminable exitment, you opted for the plain old, normal entrance.

Staggering about, you made your way down the endless corridors that now seemed to restrict you. Their narrow nature suffocating as you gazed down at the far elevator.

Within this contraption you settled. From your place in the corner you lazily poked the buttons. Up, up, and up you went almost dosing off in the time it took to reach your floor. The loud ping the only thing keeping you from riding it all night.

You let out a groan and mustered enough energy, the last dying embers, to get to your room, reach the bed, and nuzzle into the pillows. You had only just convinced yourself to take off your shoes and coat.

Soon sleep met you and you were out, the light in the coals now only a gentle heat.

Yet soon someone poked at those embers, trying to call back what had faded. You didn't make a sound, merely opened one eye to face the mixed emotions that littered the face of (y/b/f) like rubbish littered the ocean. There was plenty of it, rather exessive and unhealthy really, as each corner was filled with piles of unorganised and intangible mess. Like the rubish, her emotions were begining to lessen. Well maybe lessen isn't the right word. Shrink. They were shrinking into tiny refined particles, small enough to alter DNA, and cause massive problems. She managed to refine them into three basic and natural emotions; anger, worry, and joy.

Anger was the first to poke its head out, "why would you just leave me. Only a simple text to tell me you were gone. No detail why or explanations. Nothing". She was fuming and in your delerious sleepy state you imagened steam coming from her head and wondered for where the whistle that accompanied the ketle could be heard.

Before you could manage to put together an answer. One that would properly respond to her questions, explain the day in a way thay did not increase her worry and allow this all to quickly end and you to fade to slumber, she moved on. The heated water of her rage soon cooled. Replaced with a worry that only chilled you.

Her voice was soft, her eyes too, as she spoke, "are you ok? Really? I have noticed today, you've been acting oddly but I can't figure out why," her lips drawing down into a sad fold. "You would tell me if something was wrong, right?"

The glow of the distant moon caught her eyes, lighting them in an unatural way that, to you, made it seem like she had determination enough to do anything to fix your problems. Even kill a God. It made you feel cold and you snuggled further into the mattress.

Then she reached gently out to you, wishing to convey her sensarity and reasure herself that you were fine. That you would be fine as long as she was there.

Nervous about your marks, you flinched away from her, bringing the covers up further to conceal them.

She only sighed, somewhat dejected, but knew this wasn't your falt, definitely not your normal behaviour. She hopped that you would return to normal soon. If not, she would find a way to cure you of whatever was disturbing you so much that you seemed to be in a contestant state of discomfort, even flinching at something you would at any other time find to be a source of comfort.

You mannaged a small, "no, I'm good. Thanks though," as you settled.

She glared slightly but left it at that, now ready to share her cheer of the day. It beamed from her like a flashlight into your eyes. You were blinded by her happines as she blurted, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Today was great," her pitch rose with each word and the pauses between them reinforced her point.

You would be more inclined to agree verbally if not for your lack of energy and all around eaaack feeling. Even with all the pain and nativity of the day, you did thoroughly enjoy the concert and were extreemly glad that you got to meet BTS in your life time. You wanted to tell her this and thank her for everything but your mouth wasn't moving. Your effort wasn't enough and your strain to make it function really used up all of your power this time. You just blinked. Once, then twice, and once more as a tiny yawn escaped you.

Noticing the vague delirium flooding your pupils and closing the gates to your mind, she sighed, "ok. I will let you sleep and we will talk more tomorrow". She stood and walked away, whispering, "good night (y/n)," as she vanished gently from your mind.


Sorry if this chapter was kinda ehh or not the best.
I myself was about to fall asleep writing it and I have a headache and lots of study that takes forever.

Also some people pointed out some issues with it loading and I just want to say thanks for calling them to my attention 😊

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