Off to the shop you hop: Ch 38

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You pace before the door like a nervous buisness woman waiting to propose an idea to a board comprised of your critical boses. Or like a dog waiting eagerly for the post man to walk past the door.

Either way, you were lost in an anxious state, pondering if you should wait outside for them or if you should just stay put.

You stop, take a deep breath, biting your lip and noding as you tell yourself to just stay still and wait near the door.

A ping resounds from within the bag sitting prepared upon the table. A ping of notification. A text wishing you well and good luck from your friend. Just as you move to retrieve the device the chime of the door startles you and you jump before ruhing to answer it.

Your heart is thumping as you turn the doorknob, a smile crossing your face as he stands there. His eyes wrinkle in delight and you both say your greatings.

"Well then, shall we go," he raises an arm in direction and leads you to the car eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Your head is spinning as you approach it, nervous to meet Namjoon's friends and worried about what their perception of you would be.

A lack of sleep from you restless night also leads your brain to run in circles. You shouldn't have spent the whole night studying and painting. An hour wasn't long enough for rest. And your body was most certainly feeling that now as a wave of dizziness smashs into you and you tilt sidways, falling to lean upon the metalic door.

"Oh, gosh y/n! Are you alright," Namjoon asks as he rushed to hold your side in attempt to steady you. He recalls the products you had bought at the shop the other day and frezes wandering what to do. Should he feed you chocolate? Maybe spinach? He had heard that spinach was full of iorn.

As he held you up to stand properly a man emergs from the driver's door and joins you.

You breath deeply, feeling slightly self conscious, especially with the addition of a new presence.

"Yeah, I am alright. I think I will be fine if I sit down for a moment".

At this, the door is quickly pulled opened and you are sat down between two people.

You look back out at the man outside and realise who it is, "J- J-hope?"

He smiles that trademark sunshine smile, waving his hand charismaticly as he chimes, "hiii, how are you?"

"Um, well. I," you stammer shocked at his pretence and unsure how to answer.

Then you look around trying to buy your mind enough time to figure out a response. It was in these brief moments that your eyes fall upon those who trap you in the seat as if they were bookends holding you in place, keeping steady and upright on your perch.

A look of shock falls upon your face as you recognise the pair, "Namjoon, the friends you mentioned are BTS?" The words exit your mouth in a dazed and unsteady pitch as you turn to find his response.

He just scratchs his head and laughs lightly, "yeah, well not all of them. The other three couldn't make it".

You just nod. What else are you supposed to do? What was the correct protocol for this situation?

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