A brief visit: Ch 42

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I walk to the door. Looking through the peephole I see a familiar face. With startled steps I fall away, wondering why on earth such a face was here before me now - by what manner had it appeared, and more importantly, what did it seek?

"Who is it?" Whisper yelled Jungkook.

Jin followed the flow which the youngest had set, calling out in a quite pitch, "someone you know?"

I turned to face the table, drawing silently back to the group.

What was I going to do?

"Is it the florest? Someone else?" Inquired Namjoon.

"What? No, why would he be here? He doesn't know where I live... Hopefully," I respond, looking at the leader with a brow raised in question of him.

My mind was racing as I aproached, sinking down to the table's eye level, "(b/f/n) is here, she can't know that you stayed the night! That would be bad for everyone".

"Who is (b/f/n)?"

"And why can't she know we stayed? Do you not want us associated with you (y/n)?"

Ask Taehyung and Jimin, sadness and disappointed evident in their questions.

You shake your head, reassuring them that their worries are unwarranted before answering one question, "she is my best friend. Now hurry, clean up and hide! And be silent, she has impecable hearing".

They dashed from their chairs, grabbing their plates and cutlery and making their way from the room.

The bell sounded endlessly, bombarding the house with chaotic sounds of impatience.

You glance around, checking that they left no obviouse sign of their presence, before rushing to the door.

You open it, the confusion on your face not faked as you are still definitely befuddled at her presence.

"(Y/n)!" She beams, "surprise".

Without another word she makes her way inside, looking around in pleasant appreciation.

"Nice place girl, I am glad. If it didn't meet my expectations then I don't know what I would have done".

"(b/f/n)? Why are you here?"

"Oh, right. I was concerned that you didn't text me last night. And when I tried to contact you, well, you didn't respond to my texts or calls. I was worried, so I came over".

"But... that doesn't make sense. You must have been in Korea before this morning. So, let me rephrase, why are you in this country?"

She shrugs, looking over at you with shaking eyes and a trembling lip, "I missed you like the stars miss the moon, like the sails miss the wind, like the horizon misses the ocean. (Y/n), you are my direction, what am I supposed to do without you?"

"Become an actor. Or maybe a poet".

She only giggles in response before making a move to look around.

You glance, a panic filled movement, towards the stairs where the members had retreated.

"N-n-no, you can't look about! I haven't cleaned and upstairs isn't that interesting. How about I show you the kitchen and all the great food I have?"

You speak and move towards the cupbards, hopping she will join you. And although she doesn't, moving instead in the direction of the lounge, you are relieved.

"An early lunch does sound nice," she says.

You sigh and open the pantry, moving your hand towards the instant noodles before your actions are abruptly holted by the sight of a curled up figure.

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