Is your Heart your Soul?: Ch 27

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It was night. Several hours after V went mad in the forest, darkness began to encompass the sky and blanket the town. The boys had seen you return safely and now sit with the reminder of their brothers back up in the pent house lounge of the hotel. They were receiving glares from two of the boys who were unhappy with todays arrangements. Unhappy that they were not informed earlier. That they did not get to go and guard you, to be close to you.

Yes, Jimin and Jungkook were glaring daggers at all those in the room except each other and Yoongi, who himself was not angry as he caught on to the plan pretty early, and just decided not to bring it up. If his elder brother and their leader figure had thought it best, and he himself had no major issues with it, then it was probably a good plan.

Jin gulps and places a try of food upon the circular table situated it the center, between all the members.

They eat a bit. Silence par from the sound of slurping noodles.

Then Jimin snaps. He cannot take it any more and forcefuly places his bowl down, "yah, its not fair. Why were we excluded? Why was it not discussed?" Jimin laces his tone with anger and slight contempt, broth flying around and staining the carpet.

"Haaaaaah, you don't trust us?" Jungkook asks the room.

"No, we do trust you. We needed some people to come along with me anyway. We do trust you, it is just that your instincts are running a bit wild now, and they have good reason to be." Namjoon defended the decisions of his side.

"I mean, it is our mate, of course all our instints would be playing up. We are Alpha princes after all, and to make things worse our mate turns out to be human! Imagine how this is throwing all our instincts through hoopes. We needed to make the best choice," Jin backs his brother up and continues to build their defense.

"So you don't trust us?" Jungkook repeats his earlier question before viewing the looks of his elders, "or is it me that you don't trust?"

"Yeah. I mean you took Tae and look how that went," Jimin defends and then attacks. "It went great didn't it?" Any other time and these words would never have left his mouth. Never even crossed his mind. He loved his brother, and even now as he holds anger, he also fells a stinging regret.

Yoongi, seemingly neutral Yoongi, gives up his peaceful neutrality in order to throw some of his own punches, "if it's a question of stability, well I get why you didn't take those two, but why not me? Why Tae and Hobi?" Oppp and he throw punches at both sides, introducing himself as a third opponent in the ring with no allies what so ever.

Jungkook was ready to snarl at the white haired man who sat lasily upon his distant couch, pillow clutched in his hold as his bored expresion displayed no intent to harm, his words not suiting.

Jimin was also angered. Ok, so like Yoongi he understood why Jungkook, the boy who had already demonstrated a lack of control, was not chosen. But why not him? He hadn't done anything. And even if it were only a issue of control, well Tae had proven himself as a bad choice.

Namjoon sighed at the three, and felt slightly bad for Tae who was now curling into the side of his red haired brother, "it wasn't his falt," he exclaims before whispering to himself, "not completely anyway". There was no need to get the room riled up further with such a comment so he just continues, "it was a stressfull situation and he was only trying to protect our mate. He didn't intend to cause harm".

"And you think I did?" Asked Jungkook annoyed.

"We know you didn't mean to Kookie. It's just, it needed to be them," explained Jin. "They are further along in the bond and needed to be closer because of that, otherwise issues may arise. We don't know. The details of human-wolf bonds aren't that well documented, especially those on more than one alpha sharing such a mate. And we were only following the advice of the writings we have had access to".

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