xxiv. transfusion

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       "I'M SORRY

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"I'M SORRY." KYA mumbles before shocking Abby. Kya watches as the device Raven created sucks the chip out. "Abby. I know you're in there. Come back to me. Clarke needs you. I need you." As Abby's eyes flutter open Kya lets out a relieved laugh. "Hi. You're okay, you're okay."

Kya helps Abby up, the older woman looking around the room before turning to Kya. "I'm sorry." Abby begins to cry.

Kya shakes her head. "It's okay."

"I'm so sorry." Abby sobs, covering her mouth.

"Hey, stop." Kya exclaims, grabbing onto Abby. "It wasn't you."

"No, no, no, no, no." Abby mumbles, tears still falling from her face.

"Abby." Kya begins, taking ahold of Abby's hands. "I need your help." Abby's face shows confusion as the throne room doors bust open, Bellamy pointing his gun at Abby. "Hey, no! It's okay! I used the EMP. She's back."

"Well, what about Ontari?" Murphy questions. "Thought you said we had one shot with that thing."

"I told you, Ontari is no longer an option for the Flame. She's braindead." Kya exclaims, standing up. "Is the floor secure?"

"For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom." Bellamy tells the blonde.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. The stairs are collapsed. No-one's following us." Pike speaks up causing Kya to whirl around, glaring at him.

"Shut up!" Kya snaps before turning back to Bellamy and Murphy, sighing Kya begins to speak. "We have time."

"What we don't have is a way down." Murphy mumbles.

"Time for what?" Bellamy questions, ignoring Murphy.

"An Ascension Ceremony." Kya states.

"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Besides, she's still chipped and we no longer have an EMP." Murphy frowns.

"We're not putting the Flame in Ontari's head." Kya begins. "We're putting it in mine."

"Kya, that thing will kill you." Bellamy mutters, moving towards Kya.

Kya shakes her head. "It'll be like Mount Weather. You can drain my blood, and use Ontari's."

"Can you do that?" Bellamy questions.

Kya turns to Abby. "Everything we need is in your medkit."

"No, it's too dangerous." Abby snaps, standing up."And there are too many variables."

"But no options." Kya exclaims.

"Whatever you're doing, you'd better do it fast." Octavia suddenly says, running into the room.

"Why what happened?" Bellamy questions, glancing towards his sister.

"They're climbing." Octavia states. Running towards the balcony, Kya and Bellamy shove the doors open. Looking down they could see hundreds of people running towards the capital building, climbing up ladders on the sides of the walls.

"We have to do this now." Kya announces.

"Okay. I'll help you." Abby gives in.


Kya sits down in the Lexa's throne as Abby puts the IV into her arm. "Balcony's greased. No one's getting into here." Pike exclaims, walking into the room.

"Good. There's enough lamp oil to cover every window and floor except in the Commander's chamber." Bellamy tells them.

"Then that's where the fighting starts." Pike mumbles. "We'll dig in there."

Once Pike leaves Abby turns to Clarke and Bellamy. "We're all set." Both leaders walk over to Kya, standing by her side. "Ok. You ready?"

"Yeah." Kya nods as Abby turns the switch that starts Kya's blood flowing through the tube into Ontari. Then she does the same with Ontari, and black Nightblood begins flowing into Kya. Bellamy and Clarke grab Kya's hand as the Nightblood enters her body. Kya expected to feel different, but she felt normal.

"Hey, try doing that upside down." Bellamy tries to joke, referring to his time in Mount Weather. Kya smiles up at him, squeezing his hand.

"This has to work." Clarke exclaims.

"And if it doesn't?" Abby questions, looking towards her daughter.

"If it doesn't work then she dies." Murphy speaks up, interrupting them. "If she doesn't try she dies with the rest of us when the climbers get here. If we're gonna do this I'm going to need the Flame."

"Abby, please. He knows what he's doing. You have to let me go." Kya stops Abby from grabbing ahold of Murphy. Abby looks down at Kya, nodding before stepping away.

Clarke hands over the flame, her and Bellamy moving out of the way so Murphy would have room. "Lean forward." Murphy instructs. "You ready?"

"Yeah. Do it." Kya states.

"Ascende superious." Murphy mumbles as the flame activates. Kya screams as it plants itself into her neck, cutting the skin open. Kya doesn't know if it's the pain coming from the flame or if it's the fact that the plan was working, but before she can think about it she passes out.

"Is she okay?" Bellamy questions.

"Her hearts racing." Abby exclaims, checking Kya's pulse. "Get that thing out of her head!"

Murphy shakes his head as Abby snaps at him again. "I said, get that thing out of her head!"

"Mom, we can't." Clarke states.

"It's alright, Abby." Kya suddenly says, waking up.

"Are you in any pain?" Abby questions, taking ahold of Kya's face.

"No, I'm okay." Kya tells her. "I know how to stop Alie. I have to take the chip."

"What?" Bellamy and Clarke ask at the same time.

"I have to go into the City of Light and find the kill switch." Kya explains.

"Yeah, sounds like a great idea." Murphy sarcastically comments.

"Kya, listen to me. Alie wants the Flame. If you take the chip you're giving it to her. The second someone sees you, Alie is going to know you're there. She'll kill you. If your mind dies, you die." Abby tells her.

"It'll be okay. Kya begins, turning towards Clarke. "Clarke will be with me, and the flame will protect us."

"What? No, you are not both going." Abby states.

"I need Clarke." Kya exclaims. "We work better together. We can finish this if we both go in."

"I believe in both of you." Bellamy speaks up, handing Clarke and Kya two chips.

"Do you even know what you're looking for?" Abby questions, looking towards Kya.

Kya nods. "I'll know when I find it."

Abby is silent for a moment before she kisses Kya and Clarke's heads. "May we meet again."

Kya and Clarke look towards one another before they turn back to Abby. "We will." Kya states.

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