xxxiii. early warnings

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       "ALL RIGHT

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       "ALL RIGHT. THIS is the last batch of moonshine. Feels a little light." Monty comments as Niylah hands over the bag.

"Your hunters are slipping. I can only dry what they bring me." Niylah tells him. Monty nods, walking to put the supplies away.

"Hey, any word from Kya? Did she get to Bellamy?" Clarke questions, rounding the corner.

"Yeah. They're back, and we forgot to tell you." Monty sigh sarcastically, brushing past Clarke.

"Hei, Ai lukot." (Hello, my friend.) Niylah exclaims, walking over to Kya.

"Hi." Clarke exclaims, hugging Niylah. "How light were we?"

"Always so serious." Niylah smiles. "Better. Don't worry. The earth will be more generous next time. See you then."

"Hey, wait. Uh... did you charge the radio that I gave you when you were here?" Clarke questions, stopping Niylah.

"Yes, like you told me to." Niylah nods.

"Good." Clarke states.

"Clarke!" Harper suddenly yells, carrying in Kya.

"Kya?" Clarke questions, worriedly. Leaving Niylah the blonde runs over Harper.

"She just stopped breathing." Harper announces.

"Ok. Get her on the table now." Clarke yells, pushing everything off the table. Harper nods, setting Kya down.

"There's a stab wound in her belly. She's soaked in blood." Harper explains.

"Okay. First things first. 1, 2, 3, 4..." Clarke begins CPR before she looks up at Harper. "What happened? How did she get back here?"

"I don't know." Harper exclaims. "She came riding in on her horse. She wasn't even conscious." A crowd begins to form as they watch Clarke perform CPR, waiting for Kya to wake up. Monty and Harper stand on the side growing increasingly worried when Kya still doesn't wake up. Finally the blonde gasps lightly, taking in a breath of air.

"Okay. Get her to medical now." Clarke commands before glancing down at Kya. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, shh, it's okay. It's okay. You're okay. Kya, you've lost a lot of blood, but you're home now. I'm gonna help you."

Monty comes running over with a stretcher. As they help Kya onto it she uses the little power she has left to speak. "Echo. Echo did this." Clarke's eyes widen at Kya's words. Echo? Had something happened to Roan? Were they in danger?

"Start an I.V., blood and fluids, and... and get a suture kit ready." Clarke instructs before turning to Murphy. "Hey, I have to do this, but get Kane on the radio. Find out exactly what's going on."


"Okay. We station gunners along the wall. That way, we can thin their numbers before they get a chance to close the distance." Sergeant Miller explains.

"And when they get close?" Harper wonders.

"Hydrazine. We buried what was left in the engines when we landed. It's being dug up right now. We're gonna pour it into the trenches." Sergeant Miller tells them.

"Hey, how is she?" Harper questions when Clarke walks in.

Clarke nods. "Strong."

"Listen. All we have to do is spread it in front of the outer wall. Then when the army gets close..." Sergeant Miller trails off.

"We light them up." Riley finishes.

"That's right." Sergeant Miller comments.

"You want to light a fire outside the ship we just spent the last month getting ready?" Monty questions, eyebrows raised.

"That's not happening." Clarke snaps. "Any word from Kane?"

"No, but Jaha found the cargo truck 12 hours out, no sign of Bellamy or Stephens." Monty tells her.

"I have to speak to Roan." Clarke begins. "Something happened, some sort of misunderstanding."

"Clarke, if he wanted to talk, he wouldn't have sent one of his warriors to kill Kya." Harper speaks up.

"I have to try." Clarke sighs.

"No, absolutely not." Sergeant Miller shakes his head.

"Actually, that might work." Monty exclaims.

"Monty, what are you talking about?" Harper questions, glancing over at Monty.

"The Ice Nation thinks they have the element of surprise, but, thanks to Kya, we do. Pike showed us how valuable that can be." Monty explains.

"You're citing Pike?" Harper quirks an eyebrow.

"As awful as that sounds, yes." Monty states.


"Halt." Echo yells, notifying their army.

"Emo don get in oso were coming.  Emo were warned." (They knew we were coming. They were warned.) Roan growls, looking towards Echo as Clarke stands across from them.

"Der's nou edei kya survived ai blade, o dei de fall." (There's no way Kya survived my blade, or that fall.) Echo replies.

Roan shakes his head, glaring at the woman. "Faya doesn't gyon au au dei de easily." (Fire doesn't go out that easily.)

"We need to talk." Clarke raises her voice.

"Little late for that." Roan states. "Archers! Target Wanheda!" Before any arrows could be released tens of green dots appeared on Roans chest.

"Ai haihefa." (My king.) Echo mumbles, glancing up at the cliffs. They had hitman station above so if anything happened to Clarke, Roan would be killed immediately.

"Lid in prisoners." (Bring the prisoners.) Echo commands. Grounders guide Bellamy and Kane forward, their hands chained and material placed over their heads. Pushing them to their knees, the grounders pull off the material so Clarke can see who the prisoners are.

Clarke's eyes widen as Roan speaks. "Your move, Wanheda."

"Ten minutes, that's all I ask." Clarke exclaims, looking towards Roan.

"Wait, where's she going? What if it's a trap?" Echo questions as her king jumps off his horse.

"It is a trap. We're already in it." Roan states.

Once Roan was out of sit Echo begins giving out orders. "Okay. The king is clear. Archers, the first gunshot you hear, loose your arrows. Infantry, on my command, scatter and climb. Kill till there's no one left."

"This is insane." Kane begins, he knew his daughter couldn't be dead. She had done it, she had warned them. "They knew you were coming. We have thousands of rounds. You'll be the ones with no one left."

"Then let's hope no one shoots." Echo exclaims.

"They thought they had the element of surprise, but we did. They were warned." Bellamy whispers, a smile growing on his face. "Kya's alive."

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