002 livestream

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Haru opened up her laptop after finishing texting the 22 year-old. She typed in the name of the Korean news agency into the browser and clicked on the livestream button on the top of the page.

When the livestream started, the host introduced a group called BTS. Haru was sure she had heard that name before, but she couldn't remember where from. Her attention to her screen grew as she watched seven good-looking men walk into the studio. The first one to walk in was tall and had lilac coloured hair and beautiful dimples when he smiled. The next one to walk in had a very handsome face, very well proportioned and a full smile. Behind him, was a slightly shorter guy who's image slightly resembled that of a cat to Haru. She giggled after seeing his cat-like eyes face the camera as he smiled and winked. The next man was very enthusiastic and smiled his beautiful heart-shaped smile which made Haru instantly smile back, even though he couldn't see her. The next two members of the group walked in together. One of them had the most gorgeous pair of lips Haru had ever seen. The other had a very adorable boxy smile that was impossible not to be affected by. Then it came to the last member. he was quite possibly the most attractive person Haru had ever come across. He looked into the camera, smiled and waved before throwing up a heart sign with his finger and thumb. 

Haru instantly labelled the last man to walk in as the charmer of the group as he lingered around the camera for longer than the others. 

Once they started talking, Haru silently thanked her father for teaching her Korean when she was younger. She watched intently as they formally introduced themselves. She learnt that the tall guy was called RM, then Jin, Suga, Jhope, Jimin and V. When it came to the last guy she had a sudden realisation why she was even watching this in the first place. For a minute, Haru had forgotten that the new-found friend she had told her to watch this because he was going to be on it. None of the names she had previously heard had been the one she recognised as his so she concluded that the one at the end- the one she has named the charmer- was Jungkook.

Sure enough, after he had introduced himself, he was the Jungkook she had been texting just 15 minutes ago. She was stunned by his good looks, saying "it's probably just the makeup Star" in an attempt to trick herself, knowing she'll probably never meet him in person. 

The host of the interview began asking them about the recent release of their album. Haru jumped off her bed when she realised where she'd heard the name BTS from. 

"They're idols" she muttered, holding her hand to her mouth in order to stop herself from screaming and waking her mum up. Star rushed back to her bed and let her eyes wander around her screen, taking in the visuals of the boy she was talking to. She couldn't help feeling slightly guilty for having the most handsome man in the world's number, thinking about how his fans would react if it was them and not her.

The livestream went on for about 30 minutes. Once it had finished, Star took one last glance at Jungkook and closed her laptop, putting it down beside her bed, lying down to go to sleep. Just as she allowed her heavy eyelids to close, her phone buzzed, showing a text message from the guy she had just seen on her laptop.


Did you watch it?


I said I would so of course I did


So, now you know what I do...


Why didn't you tell me you were an idol?


I didn't want to scare you. The reason why I don't have many friends is because they all get scared by the spotlight that is always on me and my members

I'm sorry


I'm not scared by it, I actually kind of admire you for it. It takes a lot of guts to do what you do

If anything, I'm mad at my dad for not telling me what his company did


Did you never ask questions?


I learned not to

Plus, he never had time to answer them even if I did ever ask


I'm sorry




For a lot of things really

For not being honest with you about who I am

For your father being so busy, he's practically raised me since I was 14


Jungkook, you don't have to apologise on behalf of my father. He can do that the next time he sees me, he owes it to me and my mum afterall.

And as for you, I don't expect you to pour your heart out to me and tell me your life story after we just met. Besides, you weren't dishonest and that's what matters most.

Anyway, it's nearly 2am here so I'm gonna get some sleep. Goodnight Jungkook, I hope we can talk again sometime :)


I'll message you when you wake up :)


You don't have to, I now know how busy you must be, perhaps even more so than my father lmao


What if I want to? It only takes 30 seconds, if that, to type out a text message


Exactly, which is why I can't work out why my father never replies to my mother's texts

Goodnight Jungkook


Goodnight Haru


i promise it's gonna get interesting now lmao. also 2 updates in one day who dis?

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