016 birthday

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Haru's POV

I wake up the next morning with my eyes stuck together from the tears that had dried up in them. I sighed, scrunching my forehead up and raising my eyebrows to force open my eyes. I then looked around the room. It was my room.

Funny. I fell asleep in Jungkook's room last night?

Then it hit me. All the events of yesterday came tumbling back to me. I felt the tears form in my eyes once again. I was slightly shocked that I hadn't already ran out of tears to cry. I then thought back to last night. After falling asleep in Jungkook's arms for a few hours, we both woke up and decided to order pizza. We watched movies in his room and he comforted me as I told him what happened between Zoe and I. Eventually, much to my dismay, I fell asleep during one of the movies. I hate falling asleep half-way through a film and Jungkook knows that, so he paused the movie and carried me to my apartment. He kissed my forehead and bid me goodnight.

I was distracted from my thoughts by the doorbell ringing. I sighed, getting up and gravitating towards the front door. A confused expression married my features as I opened the door and no one was there. I then looked down at the doormat. There was a huge bouquet of tulips, my favourite flower and a medium sized black box with the 'chanel' logo on it. I was stunned at how many flowers there were; there must've been about fifty or sixty. 

Why has someone done this? Oh right, it's my birthday.

I smiled slightly and picked up the gifts, taking them back to my room. There was a small card embedded in with the flowers. It was around the size of a business card and it had a short message on it that read:

For that special someone on their birthday.

I felt a blush grow on my cheeks, still having no idea who it was that did this. I then turned my full attention to the box. I opened it, revealing a handwritten note and a present wrapped in pearlescent tissue paper. I picked up the note first, unfolding it to reveal surprisingly neat handwriting. It said:

Did you think you could get away with not telling me when your birthday was hmm? Well, you're wrong hehe. Happy birthday, Rooie!! We're the same age now yayyyy. Love JK x

P.s- wear this tonight. I'll pick you up at 8 x

It was Jungkook. I had an awkward gut feeling it may have been Jimin and I would have to kindly reject him. Or even worse, it could've been Yoongi; that would just completely ruin our friendship. 

I shook my head to break my train of thought and picked up the delicate tissue paper parcel, peeling back the sticker that was securing it. My eyes almost popped out of my head at the sight of the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It looked like it would reach just above my knee. I couldn't help but feel undeserving of it. 

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