023 won't let go

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Haru' POV

The plane touched down on British soil and I heaved out a long sigh, feeling like I'd held my breath the entire flight. As soon as the seatbelt sign faded away - like all hope I had of being rescued - Zach grabbed my wrist and pulled me to stand up. I quickly grabbed my carry-on, sligning it over my shoulder as he pulled me down the aisle. We exited the plane and walked to customs, queuing up silently. His eyes never left the side of my face as we slowly grew closer to the customs desk. 

I handed my passport to the woman sat behind the desk and she flashed me a tired smile.

I feel your pain lady, if only it was for the same reason. I internally sighed.

As soon as I was done having my passport analysed, Zach resumed his grip on my wrist, scurrying through the airport to reach baggage claim before going out to the car park where he'd left his car before going to Korea. 

I had so many questions. Why did he do this? How did he find me? How long has he been looking for me? Why now? But the only one I could muster the courage to ask was "when is the wedding?"

"Tomorrow," he replied, bluntly, leaning over to kiss my neck before driving out of the space.

Please hurry, Jungkook... if you're even coming... I'd understand if you don't want to after how I treated you but... please... I need you.

Jungkook's POV

We arrived at the airport and I bolted over to the ticket desk.

"When's your next flight to London?" I asked, panting out of panic.

"In two hours," the man replied, glancing over his computer screen.

"I'd like..." I turned around, using my eyes to count the number of tickets we were going to need, "nine tickets please."

"Will those be return tickets sir?" He asked calmly, not sensing the urgency in my tone of voice.

"Uh, yes," I replied, tapping my finger nails on the desk. He began printing out the boarding passes before looking up at me for the first time since I began speaking to him. His eyes widened at my panicked state and he sighed, waving his hand at the printing machine trying to hurry it up.

"That'll be two million won please sir." I handed him my black card and he swiped it before turning the pin pad round to me so I could type in my pin.

While I was waiting for the payment to process and the boarding passes to finish printing, I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I began sniffling, trying to control my sobs. It seems Jimin heard me because he came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, leaning down so he could see my face.

"We're going to find her, don't worry Kookie," he said, wiping the tear from my cheek.

"I never should've let her go," I sniffled.

"You couldn't have seen this coming, it's none of our faults, okay?" Jimin patted my shoulder twice before walking back over to the others.

The man behind the desk handed me the boarding passes and smiled sincerely, "I hope you find your girlfriend, sir." I was slightly taken aback by the use of the word 'girlfriend' but I pushed it to the back of my mind and forced a weak smile.

"Thank you..." I looked down at his name badge, "Taehyun." He nodded and smiled as I turned around and walked over to the others.

We skipped baggage handling as we were only taking carry-ons so we went straight to security. I placed my bag on the conveyor belt and went over to the body scanner. I stepped through and smiled when I saw the green light above it after I came out, meaning I didn't have to waste more time getting searched. The man behind the conveyor smiled at me as he handed me my bag. I thanked him and ran off to the others as we went to get some snacks from duty free.

I picked up some crisps and sweets and ran to the checkout to pay. The guy behind the till must've noticed my panicked and tear stained face because when I took out my wallet to pay, he waved his hand in front of it and said "it's on the house."

I smiled and looked down at his name badge again. "Thank you Huening Kai." He smiled and I picked up my things and left. I sat on a bench waiting for the others and I thought back to the last time I was in England. It was cold, I thought. I spotted an apparel shop just across from the convenience store and jogged over to it, shuffling through the hangers of the first hoodie I found to find my size.

"Hello sir, my name is Yeonjun. May I help you in any way?" I looked up and saw a trendy looking guy, a few years younger than me, probably, with dyed yellow hair.

"Um, I'm looking for a medium in this hoodie. I'm kind of in a hurry," I chuckled slightly, looking at my phone at the time, seeing I had under half an hour until boarding. 

"Certainly," he walked quickly into the back of the store and came out thirty seconds later the hoodie. "Here you go. Is that everything, sir?"

I nodded. He brought me over to the checkout and scanned the barcode of the hoodie. I payed, thanked him and left, walking back to the bench I was at before. I spotted Zoe and Taehyung and ran over to them.

"The rest of them went to the gate already to wait there, we were looking for you," Zoe said when she spotted me. I nodded and we made our way to the gate. When our flight was called, we had our boarding passes checked before boarding the plane.

I'm coming Rooie, I won't let you go...


this had a very similar ending to the last chapter lol but don't worry it was intended. this was also pretty boring and short, it's kind of a filler, all the action happens next chap hehe

i also remembering mentioning bringing txt into this but i never actually did so i used this as an excuse to introduce them because they're too cute not to be in it hehehe. (i know i didn't mention all of their names but imagine the security guy is beomgyu and the pilot is soobin hehe) lol i'm weird

who hates zach? *hands up emoji*

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