030 epilogue

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It's been three years since two became one. Jungkook and Haru could call themselves inseparable - they want to - but their schedules sometimes don't allow for that wish to be granted. It's been a tough few years, with Haru finally realising how difficult it can be when dating an idol. Not that she had anything to worry about. Jungkook kept his private life hidden away from the spotlight - and he did it well at that - but sometimes Haru just wanted to be cherished by him. Not that she wasn't, he would tell her he loved her and show her just how much all the time. But a part of her wanted to be flaunted in public by him. She wanted to be seen by his side; wanted people to know that he wasn't available. 

But being good at hiding also meant that they could have the most amazing, most intimate dates. For the last few months, these dates had been even more special than the others that came before them. The couple seemed closer than ever and God knows they both felt it. Physically and spiritually. Haru now thought they were inseparable, realising that the word didn't have to mean they were always in the same vicinity, but more that their hearts were intertwined by fate. This, however, only made her fear of heartbreak grow. 

Because Jungkook had been growing distant recently. 

In the last couple of weeks, he had been too busy with tour life to make time for Haru; something he had never had a problem with for the last three years of their relationship. Everyone had noticed. Especially Yoongi. He knew his best friend wasn't being treated the way she deserved by the love of her life, so he tried to fill that void.

He would bring her snacks from the catering cart whenever he could and, when he had the time to, he would sit with her and just talk. She would usually end up crying for the first week or so that these conversations occurred, feeling as though she was unworthy of Jungkook. But then something changed. She didn't cry anymore, almost as if she had accepted that Jungkook loved his work more than he loved her. But Yoongi wasn't stupid. He could still see the pain in her eyes, the way she bit her lip as a way of trying to stay strong. He wanted to make Jungkook pay for what he was doing to his best friend. He was slowly breaking her. But no matter how much Yoongi wanted to break Jungkook as well, he knew he couldn't. 

Because he knew what was actually going on.

Jungkook was scared.

Scared of rejection once again. Scared that what he really wanted to do - and had been building up the courage to do for weeks now - was also going to be the thing that would surface Haru's scars again. He knew what he was doing, he knew avoiding his love was the wrong thing to do. He knew it was breaking her - they shared a heartbeat after all. It was breaking him too. Maybe, it was even arguable that it was breaking him even more. While Haru was fearing heartbreak, Jungkook was fearing rejection and seeing the love of his life hurt on top of the same pain she was feeling.

She begged for him to talk to her, only to Yoongi of course. Well, sometimes Taehyung as well. The three were like long lost siblings. Their Korean roots all resided in Daegu, though they weren't sure whether this geographical factor was what truly made them so close. 

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗛 𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗥 | 𝗝𝗝𝗞  ✓Where stories live. Discover now