007 bighit exclusive

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When we arrived at the BigHit building, Jungkook escorted me inside, Jimin and my dad behind us. Instead of getting a guided tour of the place, Jungkook grabbed my wrist, slightly awkwardly, and guided me to the elevator. Once inside, I tried to hide my mild claustrophobia as I flashed a timid smile at him. Considering we had only been friends for 4 days, I was surprised as he saw straight through my nonchalant act and snaked his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I tried to hold in my laughter every time he glanced down at me whilst we were in the elevator, and succeeded only because I actually found it comforting. I forgot all about my fears during that ascent. Only to realise after we got out, that I would probably have to do it on my own later when I left to go to my apartment the company had rented me in the same building as the boys' dorm, as they would have to stay to continue working. 

I pushed my paranoia aside and continued to follow Jungkook towards a pair of glass doors. We paused to wait for Jimin and my father, who had decided to have a race up the stairs instead. When I saw a young, athletic figure sprinting towards us, I chuckled at the fact that my dad had lost the race. Jimin began beaming upon hearing me laugh, making me feel slightly self-conscious about it once again. 

When my dad caught us up, Jungkook pushed the door open, using his arm to hold it while gently pushing me into the room that hid behind the doors. My mind remembered a vague recognition of this place but I couldn't figure out where I knew it from so I ignored myself as usual.

"What do you think?" Jungkook said, twirling round with his arms open, signalling to the room.

"It's- I don't know what it's used for but this is a great room," I replied, taking in my surroundings. I then spun around to face a wall full of mirrors, jumping out of my skin at the sight of my reflection. This caused laughter to erupt from Jimin and I couldn't help noticing how songful his laugh was. I felt a smile subconsciously growing on my face upon hearing his giggles. Remembering why Jimin was laughing, I snapped out of my daze and faced Jungkook, avoiding looking at my reflection once again.

Jungkook simply shook his head at me. "You're easily scared aren't you?"

I nodded, "well, when you look like this it's not hard to be scared of yourself." This caused Jimin to stop laughing as his face became serious and he stepped in front of me to stand beside Jungkook.

"What makes you say that?" Jimin asked, genuinely confused by my joke.

"I look like I've been on a plane for 14 hours," I added, trying not to laugh at Jimin's struggle to understand my humour.

His expression grew more perplexed as he uttered, "but you have," tilting his head to one side slightly. 

This caused Jungkook to chuckle, slapping Jimin playfully as he replied, "aish hyung, she's joking."

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