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Zoo zoo zoe

Oh speaking of boys, I've kinda met someone...

Starry starry night

Okay now it's my turn to freak out



Zoo zoo zoe

You make me laugh

Well I'm not entirely sure how but he got my number and just started texting me

He seemed really sweet so I gave him a chance and we've been talking for a couple days now

I know it seems soon but I really like him

Starry starry night

Awww that's so cute

Also I'm not gonna judge you for talking to some random guy okay?

Because that's kinda how I met Jungkook so...

Zoo zoo zoe

I knew you'd understand

You're the best Starry

Starry starry night

I can tell you don't wanna tell me too much at this early stage so I'll respect that and I won't ask anymore questions right now but you have to promise me you'll tell me everything when you eventually meet this guy

You are going to meet him right?

Zoo zoo zoe

Of course I am

I mean I want to

And I think he does too

Starry starry night


Zoo zoo zoe

Oh by the way I have a little surprise for you

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