010 holding onto the past

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Narrator's POV 

Haru fell into deep slumber at around 3am on her first night in Seoul. She had initially thought she slept like a baby, all wrapped up in the sheets for ultimate comfort. However, when she woke up, it was still dark outside, or so she thought. Haru's eyes were heavy and she couldn't identify her surroundings, especially in the dark. She grew worried and afraid. She got up from her position and used her hands to guide her through the dark room to find the door. She gripped the handle tightly before turning it gently to avoid making any noise. 

Upon exiting the room she was in, a strong stench of smoke invaded her senses and her anxiety levels sky-rocketed. She began running, guiding herself with her hands once again. She left the room she was currently in and sprinted down the corridor she found herself in. She soon reached an elevator. Not thinking whether it was functioning due to the unknown cause of the smoke, Haru pressed the button on the elevator, calling it to the floor she was on. She stepped in, frantically hitting the button for the ground floor. Haru let out a sigh of relief when the doors closed and the elevator began its descent. 

Suddenly, the dim light in the lift burnt out and the elevator came to an abrupt stop. This caused Haru to get thrown across the elevator, slumping down with her back against one of the walls. She pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her arms on them and allowing her head to fall into her hands. Tears began to stream down her face as she made weak calls out to Jungkook or her father. Her cries were not heard.

Haru allowed her eyes to close, exhausted from the running and crying.

Haru woke from her dream sobbing. She was petrified, now realising that she was reliving the reason why she hated elevators in the first place. She glanced over at the clock in her room.


She sighed, knowing she'd had less than 2 hours sleep and probably wasn't going to get anymore tonight if she remained alone. She took it upon herself to get out of her bed, wrapping her duvet around her body like a cape, and went to the boys' dorm. She really didn't care who opened the door, as long as someone was going to. Haru did not want to be alone right now...

Yoongi's POV

I couldn't sleep. Like most nights, I had stayed up too late in the Genius Lab. I had forced myself to stop at 3am, but the truth was the ideas were still floating around in my brain, disrupting my slumber. I came up with the idea to plug my earphones in and listen to music on my phone to distract myself. Just as I was about to press shuffle on my playlist, there was a knock on the door. Who is knocking at 5am? I sighed before getting out of bed to get the door, knowing that I'm the only one awake at an hour like this. Well the only one except our little friend on the other side of the door, whoever that may be.

"Coming," I whisper-shouted when I was near the door. I opened the door, revealing a shaking and crying Haru. Upon seeing my face, she collapsed into my arms. I embraced her, dragging her inside before closing the door. I wanted to know what was troubling her but there was no way she was in any fit state to talk right now. Her body felt weak in my arms, so I picked her up bridal style and brought her over to the couch. I sat her up on the sofa and perched next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She instantly fell back into my embrace, throwing her arms around my waist and leaning her head on my chest. Her tears soaked my shirt. I wanted so desperately to help her, to heal whatever pain she was feeling. I was no longer thinking about music, Haru was my main and only priority right now. She continued to cry in my arms.

"Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?" I asked, caressing her hair lightly. She nodded, relieving me of her embrace so I could make my way to the kitchen. I poured us both a glass of water and returned back to the living room, placing the glasses on the coffee table before resuming my position on the couch. I picked up a glass from the coffee table and handed it to Haru. She took a sip of the water and I put it back on the table. I comforted her by stroking her hair. Her cries slowly became less frequent and she sat up to face me.

"I'm so scared of them Yoongi," her eyes filled with pain and fresh tears. 

"What are you scared of?" her gaze left mine and turned to her fiddling fingers in her lap. I placed a hand on her knee and bent down to look into her eyes. I gave a reassuring smile and she returned her eyes to meet mine.

"When I was in high school, my second to last year, I was alone in a classroom at lunch time because all of my friends were away at a sports tournament. The classroom was on the top floor so there wasn't anyone else around. I started to smell smoke when I was eating my lunch and I opened the door to see what was going on. The corridor was filled with smoke, thick smoke. I just started running towards the stairs but they were blocked." She continued to tell me the reason why she is so scared of elevators, crying once again. I felt terrible for her. I know what it's like to be in a life or death situation. Her cries began to worsen and before long, she could no longer speak. I pulled her into my embrace. Her tears fell onto the crook of my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapped firmly round my waist. I whispered words of comfort to her while she sobbed.

Jungkook's POV

I woke up at about 5:30 for some reason, really thirsty. I got out of bed and went towards the door of our room quietly, being careful not to wake Jimin. As I went to turn the handle of the door, I heard muffled sobs coming from the lounge. Who is crying at this hour? I opened the door and went to the living room. I turned the corner and saw Yoongi hugging a girl. I thought nothing of it at first and began to turn towards the kitchen.

Wait. Then it hit me.

That girl is Haru!

I ran back to the living room, entering the room and crouching in front of Haru who was sat on the sofa. I looked at Yoongi. He shook his head, signalling that now was not the time to make her talk. Instead, I put my hand on her arm, grabbing her attention. Her eyes widened when she saw me and she unlatched herself from Yoongi and threw her body onto me, squeezing me into an embrace. She slipped off the sofa and onto the floor next to me, keeping her arms around my neck the whole time. She put her head on my chest and continued to cry. I stroked her hair and rested my chin on her head. 

Without thinking, I placed a small kiss on top of her head. I panicked momentarily but was relieved when her reaction to it was squeezing me even tighter. I let out a small chuckle, causing her to nestle her head further into my chest, bringing her knees close to her chest. It was then that I realised she was falling asleep. I smiled at the sight of her limp, exhausted body. Unwrapping my arms from her waist, I moved to place one arm beneath her knees and one behind her ribs. I carried her bridal style to my room, laying her on one side of my bed. I returned to the kitchen and got the glass of water I got up for in the first place and went back to my room, lying down next to Haru. She stirred slightly when she felt my weight on the bed, rolling over onto her side to wrap an arm around my waist. She nuzzled her head into my neck, returning to dreamland. I kissed her temple and whispered to her.

"Goodnight Rooie."


well damn a lot happened in this chapter. yoongles friendship with haru is blossoming uwu. i think i want to show more of this vulnerable side of haru but, at the same time, i want to make her a sarcastic, independent boss bitch because we all love those, without being too cliche if i can help it lol. also idk why but i picture haru looking like lisa from blackpink. just me? oki. i mean, of course she can embody anyone you want her to, that's just how i see her lol. uwu little Rukook moment at the end, say uwu for clear skin

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