020 the plan

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" He asks, unconvinced.

[10 minutes earlier]

"Okay, so, this may or may not sound crazy but just bare with me, I promise I'll explain everything in due course." Jimin nodded, leaning on the table to show he's listening.

"Go on," he gestured.

"Right..." I paused, not being entirely sure on how to approach this the right way - without making Jimin mad. "SobasicallywhatIneedyoutodoistoaskJungkookoutonadatebutyou'renotactuallygoingonadatewithhimbecauseI'mgoingtotakeyourplaceafteryouorderyourfood," I manage to spit out after taking in a deep breath.

Jimin is more purplexed than he was 30 seconds ago. "Yeah, no... I didn't catch a word of that."

"Ugh, do I really need to repeat it?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in a pout.

"Yes, if you want my help then yes," he nods in an obvious tone.

"Okay, sobasicallywhatIneed-"

"Slower..." Jimin raises his voice slightly, growing annoyed at my sheer reluctance to embarrass myself.

"Fine... so basically what I need you to do is ask Jungkook out on a date-"

"You want me to do what now?!" Jimin raises from his seat.

"Let me finish mochi!" I push him back down. "I need you to ask him on a date, BUT," I pause for dramatic effect, "you're not actually going on a date with him, of course. That would just be weird for the both of you. I'm going to be in the restrooms at the restaurant and I need you to come and knock on the girl's bathroom door once you've ordered and we'll switch places."

"Why do I-" I raise my finger to his lips, shutting him up.

"I still haven't finished Jimin," I whine like a toddler. He waves his hand for me to continue in a sassy manner. "Obviously, you're not going to hide out in the bathrooms, especially not the female ones, so I will speak to the manager of the restaurant and ask them to let you out the back," I nod to myself, feeling proud of my plan.

"Are you finished now?" He asks. I nod smugly. "Why do I have to ask him on a DATE?!"

"Okay, maybe it doesn't have to be a date as such, just a dinner as friends I guess," I shrug, feeling slightly stupid for suggesting a date between the two best friends.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him tonight if you could reserve a table for tomorrow," Jimin agreed.

I nodded and hummed in response, looking down at my phone that had just buzzed. Before I could read the message I got, Jimin opened his mouth again.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" He asks, unconvinced.

I nod. "Positive."

He hums in response, sounding rather unconvinced still. I ignore his pessimism and turn my attention to my phone. It buzzes again.

"Who's texting you?" Jimin asks, sipping on his iced americano.

"My dad?" I say, questioningly.

"What does he want?"

I shrug, having not read the message yet. I open up my messages and click on his name. I decide to read the message aloud.

"Hi Haru, could you please come over for dinner tonight. There is someone here who says they're a friend from England and he keeps asking to see you." I look up at Jimin and furrow my eyebrows. He mirrors my expression.

"He?" I mumble. My eyes widen when I realise who it probably is. "Oh my god, it must be Dominic from uni, he said he would come and visit when he got the chance!" Jimin's expression changes from worried to in awe.

"Come on, I'll drive you home so you can get ready then I'll take you to your dad's," he frantically sips on his iced drink, giving himself a slight brain freeze. He winces in pain as he clutches his forehead.

I chuckle. "You pabo Jiminie."

He glares at me playfully then proceeds towards the door of the cafe. We thank the staff and leave. Jimin drives me back to the apartment and waits in the living room while I change. I throw on some ripped jeans and a white cropped sweater. I slide my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and walk back to the living room.

"You ready?" Jimin asks.

I nod and we walk out the the car. As we're walking down the corridor we see Taheyung walking arm in arm with Zoe, heading towards the dorm.

"Hey, where are you two off to?" Zoe asks.

"Dad invited me round for dinner. He said one of my friends is here but he didn't say who it is," Zoe retracts her head in confusion but shrugs it off.

"Okay, have fun, I'll see you later," Zoe and Taehyung wave as they continue walking. Jimin and I wave back and head down the stairs to the car park. 

He drives me to my dad's house and walks me up to the door. "I'll pick you up at 9 okay?" 

I nod. "Thanks Chimmy," I tap his nose cutely. Jimin smiles and walks back to his car. He sits there, waiting until he sees me go in before he leaves. My dad opens the door and ushers me inside.

"Hey Haru," he says as he leads me to the living room.

"Hey dad, you okay?"

"Yeah. Your friend is upstairs, sit at the dining table and I'll bring the food out to you and call him down," he smiles before walking upstairs.

I take a seat at the dining table with my back facing the entrance. After a minute or so I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. There's more than one pair of them.

Well, at least I can rule out that this is a prank. Why do I feel low-key scared?

I freeze in my seat, the fear of turning around and it not being the angel that is my best friend from university, Dominic, consuming me. I was too immersed in my thoughts to even register that someone was stood behind me, no more than a few feet away.

"Hey baby," an instantly recognisable voice sings.


there's nothing quite like a good ol' cliffhanger when you don't have time to write a full chapter heheh

i knew i just had to update today, wasn't gonna miss my best friend's birthday for the world. happy birthday to my main hoe mesmerizedkookie !!!! i fully believe you're my soulmate, i love you so much, i hope you have had as good a day as you can considering we're all stuck at home :(

i mean, i don't see why you wouldn't have had a good day, the lucky bish got jeongguk as her photocard in her mots7 album o((>ω< ))o i'm jk i'm very happy for you banana you know that (even if you did get version 2 aka my fave)

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