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Gurjin walks through stone-in-the-wood by himself quietly. He was looking for Rian. He checked with Kylan, Brea, Naia, and even Seladon. None of them had seen him. He hadn't seen Rian in about two days. Three days past, he had a meeting regarding the rebellion but hadn't really been seen out and about since.

Rian had been staying in a small home near the centre of the village and obviously wasn't there. Gurjin continued to search starting to worry a little. He walks along the outskirts of the village carefully looking over the abandoned cottages for any signs of life.

Hmm.. if I were Rian, where would I go?

Just as he finishes this thought he hears the faint sound of a window being opened.
He looks around carefully watching for movement. His eyes settle on a pair of tan hands delicately reaching out the side of a small house. The hands reach into an overgrown berry bush, plucking a few ripe berries from their stems.

He recognizes the strong, yet sweet hands and sighs in relief. He approaches the abandoned home and softly knocks on the door.


Rian's small voice calls from inside. Gurjin very gently opens the door. He peeks in cautiously making sure to give Rian time to protest if he wished to.

"It's me.." Gurjin speaks quietly.

Rian looks at him, silently giving him permission to enter. He sits on a creaky dusty bed. A once comfortable chair sits close by and gurjin takes a seat. Rian doesn't speak but silently offers Gurjin some of the berries he'd just picked. He holds the bowl out for Gurjin to take some.

Gurjin accepts taking a few and popping them in his mouth. He instantly regrets this as he bites into pits. He scrunches his nose, cringing.

Rian softly chuckles.

"Sorry, I should have warned you. They're honey drupes.. they've got stones.."

Gurjin laughs

"I see. We don't have those in the Smerth."

Rian smiles and holds out the rag he'd been spitting the pits into. Gurjin spits them quietly thanking Rian. They sit quietly for a few moments before Gurjin starts.

"Sooo... what are you doing all the way out here on your own?"

Rian shrugs with a heavy sigh.

"I uh.. I grew up here.. I was just visiting.."

Gurjin looks at him softly. He was unsure of Rian's mother, he'd never really spoken of her. But he knew the death of his father really did a number on him.

"...people have been wondering. ...about where you've been..?"

He nods looking off to the side. 

"You worry me sometimes, Rian.."

He leans forward. He rests his face in his hands with another sigh. He nods weakly.

"I know.."

Gurjin gets up and resettles himself at Rian's side. He gently puts an arm over his shoulder. He feels Rian tremble softly. Gurjin looks at him with worry, noticing Rian hadn't really taken a breath in a good 30 seconds or so.


Rian feels himself slip at the concern in Gurjin's voice. He chokes out a sob. The very sound makes Gurjin's heart wrench.

Gurjin swiftly scoops up Rian, holding him to tightly to his chest. Rian doesn't struggle but looks up at Gurjin, confusion in his sad eyes. Gurjin's eyes widen as he looks down at the Stonewood.

"Oh- sorry.. uhh- I've got three little sisters.. it's instinct.."

Rian just sinks closer into Gurjin's chest and sniffles quietly.

"Could you tell me what's wrong..?"

Rian looks up at him for a moment. He opens his mouth to speak but the only sound he managers to expel is a strangled sob.

Gurjin looks at him sadly, letting him take his time. He pulls out a handkerchief and gently dabs his tears. Once he gets rid of some of the tears, he carefully wipes his nose giving him a soft smile.

Rian takes a breath trying to speak again but fails once more, choking on his words. He looks into Gurjin's amber eyes for a moment. His eyes drift off in thought before he looks to his palm.

He weakly raises his hand to Gurjin, silently asking permission to dreamfast. He nervously looks up at Gurjin, worried he's made some sort of error.

Gurjin smiles sweetly, gently placing his palm against Rian's. There's a moment of hesitation but Rian begins to open up, sharing his memories, thoughts, and emotions with the gentle Drenchen.

Gurjin's mind is suddenly flooded with Rian's memories. He sees meetings. He watches Rian get bombarded with tasks and demands from their fellow gelfling.

Gurjin begins to feel an overwhelming wave of intense stress and anxiety. The constant reminder of the imminent war rings loudly through his mind. The never ending flow of requests from other gelfling for weapons, rations, and living space begin to overlap and converge into an enormous wall of incoherent voices.

Gurjin groans, his head pounding. He disconnects their palms. His shoulders are tense and his breath wavers. As the effects of the dreamfast wears off he feels himself become riddled with anger.

He had no idea Rian was being so terribly overworked. It was no wonder why Rian had isolated himself all the way out here.

"Rian.. I'm so sorry.. I had no idea.."

Rian shrugs sadly.

"I- I just feel so- so... inadequate.."

Gurjin's ears burn in fury.

"Now don't you ever say that. You come from a clan of great leaders and it shows. I see them all in you, Rian. You keep the resistance strong." Gurjin pauses. "I understand how you must be feeling.. but.. why haven't you asked for help...?"

Rian shakes his head.

"Everyone would think I'm weak."
Rian wipes his face again.

"I assure you, not a single soul in Thra finds you weak."
Gurjin pats his back.

"A Drenchen called me so just last week."
Rian shrugs.

"Okay well I'll need you to tell me exactly who that was."

Rian's ears fold back. Gurjin looks at him.

"Because I want to beat him."

Rian's eyes widen. Gurjin was far from being a violent person. He was always so collected and relaxed, so hearing him make such a comment was definitely a surprise.

They look at each other for a moment before they both break into fits of laughter.
Just as they begin to relax again, Rian speaks up.

"Oh.. I'm so lucky to have you, Gurjin."

Gurjin suppresses another giggle.

"Aww.. sounds like someone loves me."

He teases. Rian scoffs hiding a blush. He tries to push Gurjin off of him but the Drenchen only tightens his grip.

The two spend the night together chatting and laughing before they both eventually fall asleep leaned up against one another.

Rian x Gurjin one shots (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)Where stories live. Discover now