Chapter 2

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Everything had been arranged for the girls to go back to London and they were now on their private jet flying over there from Malibu. It was two days after their family had had that intervention with Jesy.

"Ughghghghghggh!" Jesy groaned to the ceiling in her seat. She shook up her body and then looked at Leigh-Anne with her sour face. "Babe."

Leigh had been watching a movie on her tablet. She paused it to turn to Jesy. "What is it?"

Jesy pouted.

Leigh giggled. "What is it?" She asked again but this time rubbing her nose against Jesy's.

Jesy sighed. "Come on now. You're not actually going to let them do this to me are you?"

Leigh-Anne blinked her eyes. "Let our family send you to school so you can become more humble?"

"Yeah that. You're not actually gonna allow it right? And-and this plane isn't going to fly us back to London. It's all a joke right?" Jesy seemed desperate. She suddenly had bags underneath her eyes.

Leigh-Anne laughed at her.

"I'm serious." Jesy said weeping a little.

Leigh-Anne shook her head. "No Jesy this is all just a big prank. Instead we're going to fly to an island where you and me can roll around in the sand, making out with each other without a care in the world."

Jesy's eyes lit up. She then looked not completely miserable and sat up straighter. "Aha! I knew you wouldn't allow this cruel and unusual punishment." She started to laugh evilly. "No one will stop our vacation! No one! Take that Mum!"

Leigh held Jesy's shoulder to get her to stop laughing maniacally like she started to do a while ago.

Jesy stopped and looked at her.

"Jesy I was joking. We are going to London and you are going to take your schooling seriously." Leigh nodded with a smile.

Jesy's face dropped. "B-but . . . I'm rich and famous. I have a Grammy and an Oscar. My girlfriend won a Nobel peace prize. Why do I have to go to school again? I'm better than everyone there!" She knew she'd been bad but that was seriously the worst punishment she could think of. Why would anyone do that to her? They could have locked her up for a day instead. She would have preferred that to this. She just didn't want to be around ugly people again.

"Jesy stop saying that. I kept telling you that you're not better than anyone. Everyone on earth should be treated equally. Just because you have awards and everyone knows your name doesn't mean you're better." Leigh-Anne told her wisely.

Jesy mocked every word she just said. "If that doesn't mean that I'm better then what does?"

Leigh looked thoughtful. "The way that you treat people."

Jesy faked a gag. "You know what? You're too . . ." She was cringing at Leigh-Anne. "Nice and humble. Like . . . Leigh-Anne . . ."

Leigh was smiling and giggling. "What? Aren't those good traits? It's good to be nice to people."

"Yeah I know, I know but . . . if I were you, if I'd been through what you had and I'd become who you are today Dr Leigh-Anne Pinnock . . . I'd be . . . well I'd be acting like me." Jesy smirked.

Leigh-Anne seemed to find that funny. "I don't really know why you like to boast so much Jesy. I know that you've done a lot of great things while being very young and I know that many people are impressed by you but it's not very good to act that way. When you act as if you're 'better than people' you make people feel angry at you."

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