Chapter 10

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The day after all of that drama, Jesy had stayed home too because she had gotten a cough which Sairah had said should be monitored- even though she wasn't a doctor or anything. She and Leigh-Anne had basically stayed in bed the whole day. Leigh had been very sleepy for some reason while Jesy had been trying to catch up on school work. She had used the night before's epic fail as motivation to do well in her exams so that all of the struggles they were going through would be worth it.

Everything that happened had been reported through magazines, online articles and even newspapers. The headlines would have probably been different if Leigh-Anne had not gotten sick. Since she had ended up going to the hospital the reports told to the public was that the paparazzi had been out of control and had harassed the girl into illness. No one had really known what Leigh had been sick with until Sairah had put out a statement around midday saying that her sister had gotten an asthma attack from all of the chaos which took place while she and Jesy had been out on a walk to calm her down. She had been very colourful with how she described the paparazzi and the people who had crowded them and now people were outraged by how the British paps acted. Even the British public was upset. It was just so sad that Leigh-Anne ended up getting sick from all of that. Sairah had even said that Jesy had not been too hot either and people had been upset about that too.

Right now it was Friday and Jesy was at school once again. She was in the library by herself listening to sad songs so she could wallow in her own self-pity a bit until her next class. Leigh-Anne did not come to school today either because Sairah wanted to watch over her in case the girl got a seizure or something due to her illness. Leigh was basically okay though. Her breathing was fine and she was back to normal but just to be on the safe side, Sairah was keeping her at home. It was also so the girl could rest more as well.

Jesy was not aware of it but while she sat in the library at a table around a corner, some people were watching her . . .

"Ah come on Cams, you've got to admit that her sadness is . . . sad." Howard said to Cammie where they sat in the library as well. He was staring at Jesy as she rested her head on the desk to weep at the moment.

Holden nodded. "Yeah. I feel bad for them both. Poor Leigh-Anne is sick and Jesy is heartbroken because she couldn't protect her. She's a good girlfriend for real." His heart was soft for Jesy now.

Cammie stared at Jesy and how she was reacting to everything. "She's . . ." There were videos of Jesy trying to protect Leigh-Anne from all of the paps on the internet. People were warming up to her it seemed. She'd been very sweet and in the moment Jesy had been a victim as well. ". . . Well I'll give her props for this time around. She really tried and everyone was being insensitive." She said, finally giving up on trying to find a way to make this look bad. Maybe if Jesy hadn't told her off the other day she would be completely on her side again but that really upset her.

"I feel kind of bad for her though. We should stop looking at her while she's so vulnerable." Holden said.

"Yeah we should go Cams. What do you say?" Howard asked her.

Cammie frowned. "What? No. We've got to keep our eyes on her as much as possible. Our second page is literally called 'Keeping up with Jesy'."

The twins considered that then agreed. "Just feels kind of wrong though. She thinks no one can see her." Holden rubbed his arm in discomfort.

Cammie stared at Jesy. I don't know what happens in your relationship huh? She thought bitterly while watching Jesy. Hearing the girl say that and now seeing what happened with Jesy the other day when the girl did everything to get Leigh away from danger kind of burned. She didn't even know what had been happening for them to end up in that situation. Not until Leigh's sister had given more details. She had not even known that Leigh-Anne had asthma. I bet Jesy'd known. It just burned and she felt like one of the outsiders.

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