Chapter 17

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"Woooo the gang is back for another epic adventure!!" Ray Ray said while he drove in the driver's seat of his minivan.

"See that Jes? Ray bought this van when he picked out his car just in case we all had to travel in it at once." Calum was sitting in the back seat between Michael and Princeton. He started to open a cooler which was on the floor and was now pulling out drinks. "Who's up for some beeeeer????"

Everyone started to hoot.

Jesy and Leigh were sitting at either window of the van in the seat before the back one. Namjoon sat in the passenger seat next to Ray Ray.

"Oh sign me up! I haven't had a can o' beer in a while." Jesy turned to the backseat and she was handed a can to drink. She cracked it open and then looked to her side at Leigh-Anne who was staring out the window quietly. "Babe you thirsty? I'm not sure where we're going but just in case it's got no drinks you should have something now." She looked forward. "Do you shit brains have anything that's not alcoholic in here??"

"Uhhh . . . no. But the beer's only two percent. Leigh didn't you say that you could have a little sip of something alcoholic every once in a while? If you want you can have a sip of Jesy's beer. But I mean we could stop to buy something to drink if you want Leigh. Like something like water." Ray Ray said from the driver's seat. Now that he thought about it it was kind of dumb of them to not pack any drinks that Leigh could consume.

"Yeah I don't think she should sip anything alcoholic. Let's stop by one of those seven-eleven's and see if we can get her a juice box or something." Princeton took a sip of his drink.

Jesy groaned. "You guys are sooo dumb! How the hell did you not pack anything for my girl?? What are you? Inconsiderate?? Stupid? Ehh?" She was particularly peeved by this.

"Sorry, sorry it's a habit for me to pack beers when we go out so I didn't even think." Ray felt really bad here. "So Leigh wanna get a juice box at a seven eleven?" He looked at her in his rear-view mirror. "You look real left out not drinking anything while everyone else is chugging down."

Leigh-Anne turned away from the window to look at Ray's seat. "I'm good Ray Ray. Me and Jesy just ate a lot and we also had something to drink a while ago so I'm not thirsty." She kept looking out the window after saying this.

"And she's still nice even though you monsters deliberately left her out of all the fun! Wooow! Feel ashamed! Feel ashamed!" Jesy was yelling at everyone.

The guys were laughing but they really did feel bad.

Princeton rubbed his arm in discomfort. "Okay just in case Leigh gets thirsty let's stop at a store for real. She should have a juice box for just in case you know?"

Jesy heard all of them agreeing to that proposal. "I guess it makes sense . . ." She scratched her head. "Uh where are you taking us exactly?"

"To the beach. Why?" Namjoon asked as he turned around in his seat.

"The beach? Huh . . . that's gonna be a long drive." Jesy looked at her watch. It was already nine o'clock. Now she turned to Leigh. "I dunno Leigh's got to be in bed by ten. I-I don't think this is a good idea."

Leigh-Anne turned away from the window to look at Jesy. She then looked at her own watch. "Mmm . . ." She heard her friends starting to say that maybe they should arrange to head to the beach another time. The mood was kind of dying now. "It's okay. I can manage to stay out a little late just for one night. I'll be fine."

They all looked at her.

"You sure Leigh? When you miss sleep you get sick so maybe we should just chill somewhere else you know?" Michael told her.

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