Chapter 22

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"I'm so glad that me and Jade got a day off by default because the two of you are so lame." Perrie was eating chips with her feet up on Sairah's couch a little later that morning.

Their mums had gone off to work and Sairah and Paige went out because they 'just needed to be out of the house for a while' as Sairah put it. They both seemed uncomfortable as they left though.

With all the adults gone the girls had the apartment to themselves.

"They're not lame Perrie. They're just sensitive." Jade was eating from her own bag of chips and she was enjoying it.

Jesy sighed wearily while eating from her bag too. She looked at the bag and shook her head. "I hope eating all this junk won't make me lose my hot bod'." She adjusted herself in her seat. "This shit doesn't happen overnight girlies. Doesn't happen overnight but it may probably be lost through one bag o' junk. Ugh I hate being prone to fatness." She looked at Jade. "Why can't I eat tons of trash like you and not put on weight?" She frowned at Perrie. "You're an even better example."

"Mam said it's because of me youth. Ha ha hooray for youngins! Wooo!" Perrie danced and ate. She noticed Leigh sitting with her head resting on the arm of the chair. The girl looked pretty weary and a little sad to her. "Aww still feeling achy Buck?"

Leigh sat up slowly to look at her. "It's going away slowly but I've got to make sure that I don't move much so I'll feel better later. I still wanna meet with Claire but if my mum said no then I probably can't." She pouted.

Perrie snickered. "Leigh you're nearly a grown woman. You can totally disobey your mam now you know. I hear it's advised for late teens." She nodded as if she knew what she was saying.

Jesy sat there and shook her head. "If you're gonna use your mouth as your anus then keep it shut." She stuffed a chip into her mouth angrily. "Talking shit."

"Even when I'm a big lady I'll still listen to my mum. She knows best." Leigh told Perrie while watching the TV. They were all watching Puppy Dog Pals.

"Mhmm that's what they all say." Perrie ate some more chips. She noticed Leigh's hair in a messy bun and tapped the girl's shoulder.

Leigh turned to her.

"Can I give you a great stay at home hairdo?"

Jade groaned. "Perrie I thought you were over this. Leave her hair alone. What you're doing is low-key disrespectful."

"So what? Liking someone's hair is disrespectful now? You sound just like them pressed people on the net. Barf in my mooouth!" Perrie said. She and Jade were now arguing.

Jesy rolled her eyes. She continued eating before feeling a buzz in her pocket from her phone. "Ugh should I really look at it Lord?" Her mum told her to stay away from social media today since it kept stressing her out. Hmm . . . She looked where Leigh was and saw the girl resting her head on the arm of the couch while holding her toy bunny in her hands. Aww so precious. And sad. Poor thing. She sighed.

She now looked to her phone. Mum I know that you have a point about that but I'm starting to wonder. What if it's an emergency? She decided to pick up her phone to see who had been messaging her.

It wasn't 'who' but more like several who's. The cheerleading group chat she and Leigh had gotten added to was going berserk. Oh shit. Yeah they had practice bright and early and we weren't there. Probably shoulda told them we couldn't make it. She decided to deal with this.

Claire: Calm down Emily just give them time to respond. A lot happened yesterday so they were probably advised to not go out or something.

Unknown Number: Yeah you don't know what happened. We could just adjust the routine so that we don't send them up flying. Someone else could do it.

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