Chapter 8

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"Aaaaaand we are back baby!" Calum yelled out at the ice cream parlour that evening. They'd all actually been sitting around here for a good twenty minutes now but once their ice cream was served he got excited so was now standing while holding the cup high up.

They had a really big table since Jade and Perrie somehow showed up. But that just made it all the more fun.

"I cannot wait to get a load of this." Jesy picked up her spoon and started to devour what was in her bowl of ice cream.

"Oh wow and she judges me for being a vacuum. Aren't you on some special diet Ms. Movie star?" Perrie asked bitterly with a tilted head.

All of the guys and Jade laughed at what Perrie asked.

Jesy stuck her tongue filled with ice cream out at her before continuing to eat. "Jade hold your blonde down. She's constantly out to get me and I don't know why." She kept eating hungrily.

"Man guys it sure does feel good to see y'all again. It's been nearly six years of us not having you two lovelies for company and trust me, it's been hard." Princeton just finished swallowing a scoop he put in his mouth.

"Has it?" Leigh-Anne asked after taking a bit of her own ice cream. Hers was vegan. She wasn't exactly a vegan herself but one of her health care professionals had once told her that all the milk she had been drinking was not exactly the best thing for her sensitive stomach. Now she didn't have dairy milk to drink anymore. She stuck to almond milk.

"Yeah . . . it's been hard not having your sweetness around Leigh and well we did miss Jesy constantly calling us out for breathing." Ray Ray sighed dramatically while everyone else laughed.

"I called you out for breathing because you breathed wrong." Jesy said after swallowing some of her treat. 

"Jesy's just cranky by nature. Don't worry about her guys." Leigh-Anne said with a smile before eating some of her ice cream.

"Oh we caught on to how she operated after a while. Don't worry your head darling." Michael told her with a mouth messy with ice cream.

Jesy rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright tell me how all of your lives are currently. You lot know all about me and Leigh here, how we're being punished because of me so tell me about you." She pointed to Ray Ray first. "Dick boy."

Ray rolled his eyes while everyone laughed.

"Inside joke!" Jade yelled out, feeling happy that she got it.

Leigh-Anne was laughing too. "Again, sorry about being the reason for you having that nickname now."

"It's fine, it's fine." Ray told her while shaking his head.

"Hey you were wrong for sending her pictures of your little shriveling thirteen year old boy penis so don't even look embarrassed." Perrie commented, her bowl nearly empty.

Everyone died after that.

Jade's face was flat down on the table.

"You need to get her a muzzle Jade. Like ASAP." Namjoon said as a joke.

Perrie shrugged. "I said what I said."

"Okay can I answer now?" Ray requested.

Jesy nodded. "We've been waiting."

Ray Ray groaned. "Jesy we're all doing A-levels now just like you."

"Oh really? So we go by the same syllabication? This is perfe-" Jesy stopped because everyone at the table was laughing. She didn't get it. "Shut up and let me talk!" She yelled.

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