Chapter 33

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When the girls got home after Leigh's parents were done with work, they were surprised to meet a foreign black van around the driveway area of the house.

"Who is that?" Leigh's mum asked from the passenger seat as her husband drove into the garage.

"Hope it's not the paps. You think they found our home? We may need to call the police." Mr. Pinnock was extremely concerned about this. "And here I thought they'd cooled down."

Jesy had been asleep with Leigh's head on her shoulder but she woke up once she heard all the chatter. "What's going on?" She asked groggily.

Leigh's head fell into Jesy's lap. She seemed to be a heavier sleeper than Jesy.

Jesy stroked her back as she looked in the direction that Leigh's parents were staring. She made out the black van. "Oh shit. I thought everyone forgot about us." She tried not to smile even though she felt anxious all at once. Her body was a confusing thing.

"Hang on. Let me check." The father said. He looked around with his eyes before shouting; "Hey!"

The van remained still.

Mr. Pinnock shouted again. "HEY!"

Leigh woke up by the second 'hey'. She sat up with her tongue between her lips and rubbed her eyes. What was going on?

Now the window on the van rolled down and a guy wearing sunglasses peeped out. "They're here it seems." The man said loudly.

Now doors on the van were opening.

Jesy narrowed her eyes by this. "Is this the FBI?" This would be a great plot for a movie wouldn't it? Ooo I've been contacted for several movie offers recently but maybe I should start writing those bad boys. Even though she still wrote at a third grade level. I'll get a smarty to do it for me. She grinned.

Leigh watched with hooded eyes as the people left the van. It seemed that among them was someone who wore lavish clothing and edgy sunglasses. Wait . . . That person seemed familiar. She tilted her head.

"Oh wait that's Rihanna." Leigh's dad said.

"Oh Rihanna is here? She didn't say she was coming." Leigh's mum opened her door.

They were all now coming out.

Jesy felt both terrified and excited. "Should I run up to her or . . ." She opened her door to come out. "Come on babe."

Leigh still seemed really sleepy. She left the car while sucking on her tongue and hooked her arm in Jesy's once they were in the same area. Now they were walking up to their second mom . . .

Rihanna stood with her entourage at either of her sides. She seemed slick and beautiful as usual. Well actually more on the casual side of her slick and beauty. She had on a designer T-shirt, some knee length tight jeans and stiletto heels. Her makeup was flawless and her sunglasses as well. Her hair seemed to be done in braids which formed a bun at the top of her head.

"Rihanna . . . what are you doing here? We really weren't expecting you." Debbie said. Even to this day it felt weird to call Rihanna . . . Rihanna. It was just odd since she only knew the young woman as this mogul who was unreachable. She was basically part of their lives now but . . .

Rihanna smiled at her with her lips. They could only see her lips to say if she was smiling or not since her sunglasses covered her eyes.

Jesy gulped as she looked up at her from the sleepy Leigh's side.

"I heard about everything that happened so I decided to stop by to check on my girls." She directed her face to the two girls present. "And well I wasn't able to come when Jesy had been all sick so I'm here now." She removed her sunglasses. "Hi girls." She said in a slick voice.

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