Chapter 14

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Now they were both outside on a bench, waiting for Sairah to come pick them up.

"Man she's always late." Jesy grumbled.

"Sairah's very busy Jesy." Leigh told her while staring intently at all of the students who were either leaving or coming in. She had view of the road and was able to see students driving off in their cars if they had one. Her eyes followed the cars as they moved. "I wanna drive some day." She said softly as her eyes kept following people and cars.

Jesy was a very impatient person so she was beginning to become grumpy from all the waiting. So far they'd been waiting for five minutes. "Did she have a shoot today or something?" She checked the time on her watch.

Leigh-Anne swung her legs as she sat and stared, observing everything around her. She looked down at her shoes and was a little disappointed to see that they did not reveal the socks she wore. Aww man. Well at least they're Jesy's shoes. She removed one foot to look at her baby blue socks which featured baby ducks. That made her smile so she took the other shoe off. The only problem was that her feet were now cold.

Jesy's arms were folded as she kept waiting. "Man some people aren't good at anything." She was referring to Sairah when it came to picking them up on time. She looked to her side and noticed that Leigh wasn't wearing shoes anymore. "Uhh . . . aren't your feet cold babe?"

"A little but your shoes don't let me see any of my socks. I can't even see the tip of them at my ankles like my shoes so I took them off to look at my socks." Leigh said with eyes still glued to the ducklings.

Jesy found her cute. "Put your shoes back on before you get frostbite. It's flipping cold these days." She was looking out for Sairah once again. "Ugh . . . we should call her." A lot of people were passing by them and doing double takes as they usually did. Ugh the life of a celebrity.

Leigh-Anne decided that it was best to put her shoes back on since she really did feel cold. She felt the warmth of the shoes on her feet and enjoyed it. Now she was examining their surroundings again. "Jesy we should learn how to drive."

"Uh-huh? Why do you wanna drive all of a sudden?" Jesy was now on her phone . . . playing dumb games.

"I just want to drive. People our age can usually drive. Perrie can drive so maybe we should drive." Leigh said with her eyes fixated on the road.

"Sorry babe but I don't think you can get a license." Jesy was swiping her finger up and down on her phone as she played.

Leigh frowned then looked at her.

Jesy glanced at the girl briefly before staring at her phone again. "I don't think people with epilepsy are allowed to drive."

Leigh-Anne stared in space for a while before she gasped and turned to Jesy again. "But-but I think I can drive if I take my medicine and if I don't have a lot of seizures really often . . . oh no. I had a seizure on Sunday." She started to fold her hands over each other over and over again.

"Yeah I think you may need to get your epilepsy under control before you're allowed to drive." Jesy looked at her. Leigh now seemed sad. "It's okay. I think that by the time you're twenty-one that you'll probably have a lot less seizures."

Leigh-Anne pouted at her before breathing out a long sigh. She was now looking at the road again. "I only started having more seizures after we came to London."

Jesy bit her lip. "Yeah . . . sorry about that. I-I guess being here's made you stressed."

Leigh-Anne looked cross for a moment but then her face softened.

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