Chapter 31

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Dr Hernandez ended up leaving around noon.

"I'm really sorry that she behaved that way." Janice was saying at the door while saying goodbye.

The doctor smiled. Her hair was a little messy and her clothes not so kept. She still appeared pleasant and beautiful though. "It's fine. I understand why she's like this. Jesy's a very head strong person. She has her mind set and locked on one thing now so she won't give it up easily at all. She sounds delusional to all of you but it's just her way of trying to get everything back to a way that she likes it."

Janice sighed. Right now lunch was being prepared by Leigh and her mum in Sairah's kitchen. The father was on the couch and Jesy was crying in the room because they had hidden all of her textbooks, flashcards, notebooks, pens etc. Dr Hernandez had helped them to get all things related to school away from her eyesight. "So what do we do?"

"Well I think we should wait it out. Wait out the meltdowns and the crying and the theatrics. Wait as long as we need to and then let her relax. After she's relaxed and her mind is clearer then I can get to work." The doctor said wisely.

Janice couldn't believe how intelligent this woman sounded. Rihanna was able to get Jesy such a perfect tutor and even a really good psychologist. How is it that she was so on board with the punishment if she usually has good insight? She supposed that everyone made mistakes every now and then. "Okay. That sounds like it will work."

"And if things get really bad then give me a call. I'll tell you what I think should be done. In fact, send me an update every day on how she's doing if you can."

Jesy's mum was nodding. "Oh and should she stay around Leigh? I-I feel as if the sight of her drives her insane. She feels like she needs Leigh-Anne but yet being around Leigh seems to make it all worse and-and to give her reason to keep striving towards this impossible goal and . . ."

The doctor sighed. "Leigh is a part of her. She should still spend time with her. You may hear her saying a lot of more 'ridiculous' sounding things around her but I think she should just let it all out. She's been keeping it locked up for a while so it's all flowing out now."

"Oh okay." Janice felt scared here.


The mother looked at the doctor.

"This isn't your fault okay? No one would have seen this coming." Dr Hernandez showed a reassuring smile.

Janice felt her eyes well up. "Okay."

Dr Hernandez rubbed her arm. "And try to monitor her as well. I told Leigh to do so already since she'll be around her the most. She may not be suicidal right this moment but she could have tendencies. Especially right now."

"Yes of course. Thank you."

"Alright goodbye." With that the doctor left.

Janice went back in while releasing a long breath. So far today had been . . . pretty insane. When Dr Hernandez had gone in to try to get through to Jesy the girl had gotten extremely mad because she found them all ridiculous for getting her help. She told them that she was fine and that she didn't need this because of that. Dr Hernandez had still tried helping but Jesy had been mad. She kept throwing things at her and wrestling her, verbally abusing her as well. It was all pretty crazy but the woman handled it well. In the end they had called it a day and the psychologist had decided to have them put all school items away so Jesy would not find them. After that she had decided to go.

"Need any help in here?" Janice asked while entering the kitchen.

"Everything's basically done. I hope Jesy likes it. Nachos are fun." Leigh dusted her hands off and then stood straighter.

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