Chapter 32

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Cammie felt embarrassed that she was just sitting on the toilet weeping.

Am I like legit in love here? She felt like her girlfriend was moving away. And she's not even mine. The worst part was that she hadn't even known what had been going on with Leigh and Jesy for a good while just because they hadn't been around her. And then I just saw them here being all happy and in love. It felt out of nowhere and she didn't like that she didn't even have any dots to connect. They just lived separately from her and that was it. Oh boy. I knew that I always had a thing for Leigh but . . . Had she fallen in love while the girl had been here for this short while?

Suddenly she heard loud talking from outside. It startled her and caused her to become more embarrassed and frightened. Who's there? It was a public bathroom so she shouldn't have been surprised that other people came but . . .

"I did not touch ya bum okay?! You're just always down my throat these days woman! I have a girlfriend!" A high pitched voice yelled.

"But I felt it! You know what? You're always in my head, always on my mind, in my face and in my house. You clearly have some plans for me. Just tell me now!" Another high voice said.

"For the love of f*ckckckckckc!"

Cammie felt that 'k' in her spine. Who are these psychos? She was scared to come out but she was really curious.

"Just 'cause I'm in your day dreams and fantasies don't mean I'm planning to steal you bitch! You're in love with your girl, I'm in love with mine. Let's just hold hands and sing kumbaya!"

"Don't walk away from me!"

"No I will walk away because I have to pee!"

Cammie heard a stall door slam.

She heard footsteps approach the stall which had been slammed a while ago. Well she felt like it was the same stall anyway.

"Wait Perrie! Don't leave me out here! The paps might show up! Ugh! I sound like Leigh! She gave me her anxiety and now I'm so lame!"

"Eh? Anxiety? Paps? Ugh! Fine. Let me pull up me trousers."

Cammy heard the pulling up and felt weird about it.

Now the door was opened.

"Wanna wee with me?"

"Okay when ya put it like that it sounds wei-"

"Get in here you minx! Wahahahaha!"

Cammie heard the other person- whom she now knew was Jesy- get pulled in and the door slam.

They continued speaking within the closed door but she decided to use this opportunity to go wash her hands.

So she got out of her own stall and went to the sink. Now she was washing her face.

"This is weird." She heard Jesy's voice say within the stall.

"Your turn."

"I'm not peeing on your pee." Jesy sounded disgusted.

"Oh my God we're saving water! It's no biggie. Look mine is pretty clear."


"Whaaat? You lot always try to make me feel like I'm some kind of freak. If anyone's a freak in our group it's Jade."

"Jade's the normal one."

"Well it's Leigh. She's just . . . weird."

"You're the freak and that's that."

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