Chapter 15

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Taehyung was making sure that everything looked perfect for his very beautiful female friends who would be attending his cube night tonight.

"Taehyung you never care when we come over. You never did anything special for us. What's with all the decorations and stuff? Your house actually looks nice Taehyung. Taehyung don't you like us as much as your friends? I mean I get that they're pretty but what about us? Taehyung we're mates . . ." One of Tae's friends was saying quickly where he sat at Tae's table. He was shaking his legs under the table and looking all around at the pink balloons and other nice decorations planted all over Tae's dining room.

"Well these girls are famous so they're more important. I mean . . . tonight we're all going to meet the Jesy Nelson and the Leigh-Anne Pinnock. It's never been said but they're like the goddesses of the autistic community." Said another boy who sat next to the one who was speaking rapidly and looking around in the same manner. This boy had a lisp and moved his mouth a little funny when he spoke. He tended to over squint his eyes as well.

"Well now it's been said. You just said it Jason." Said Yoongi in a quiet voice. He was staring intently at the table.

"Okay well they're the goddesses! Woo!" Jason raised his arms up and then started to laugh, seeming excited about meeting the girls.

"Taehyung how do you even know them? You don't know anybody. You barely leave your house Taehyung." The boy who seemed to speak really quickly said. He also seemed to have a bit of trouble keeping still. Now his fingers were patting on the table along with his feet underneath it.

"I already told you all the story. I met them five or six years ago when our friend Namjoon introduced them to me." Taehyung sat at his regular seat at the table then checked the time on his watch.

"Oh gosh they bailed on us! It only makes sense! Jesy may seem like she doesn't mind us but I bet she finds people like us gross. I-I mean look at me I'm an Aspie and I have ADHD. I'm such an outcast!" That fast speaking boy's name was Cody and he was pretty skinny.

"Cody relax. They'll be here. Leigh-Anne seemed excited about it." Yoongi told him. He was now observing his own cube. They had a bunch of cubes stacked atop each other in the middle of the table. Right now another boy by the name of Tom was re-stacking the cubes for maybe the fifth time.

"Tom I think that it looks fine that way." Taehyung said to the boy who was focused on the cubes.

"Just give me a moment . . . and done." Tom seemed satisfied so he sat down. He was now staring at what he stacked. His eyes narrowed. "Hmm . . . I don't know, the colours seem to clash more when that one's on the left like that. Don't you think Jason?"

Jason was kissing a picture of Jesy Nelson on his phone. "Huh?" He looked at Tom. "Oh uh . . ." He observed the stacked up Rubik's cubes then shrugged. "Doesn't matter does it?"

"No but it does . . ." Tom was trying to not overthink this but it was kind of hard. "Okay fine just cover it up." He looked away dramatically.

Taehyung kept checking his watch. "They're coming from far so they may be a while. Don't lose hope friends." He said to them.

"Taehyung they're not coming. They probably think we're gross. I mean Leigh-Anne kind of changed herself in a way so the public would be off her back. She-she probably thinks autism is weird . . ." Cody was the one who said this. He looked at Tom who was now rearranging the cubes once again. "Heck she probably thinks that OCD is weird."

Tae frowned at him. "Leigh-Anne hasn't changed at all. She's exactly the same if I remember her correctly." He started to laugh. "She actually seems a lot happier. To me her autism was still visible . . . but then again I have autism so I can always tell."

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