Chapter 18

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The next day, Sairah decided to let Leigh and Jesy sleep in since they had been out so late. The girls had ended up coming home at about 1 a.m and they had seemed extremely exhausted when they came in.

She had called the school to inform them that Dr Pinnock would not be in for her lesson and they agreed to relay the information to the students.

Right now she was making some tea for the girls after just waking up. Paige was in the kitchen with her, trying to toast some waffles for breakfast.

"What do you think they were doing all night though? They came back as zombies last night I swear." Paige said before laughing. The waffles toasted and she set them on each of their plates next to their eggs and salmon.

"I have no idea but I hope that it didn't include any use of alcohol . . . eh who am I kidding? Jes and her friends wouldn't allow Lee-Lee any alcohol. They're protective of her." Sairah looked smugly at Paige to say this.

Paige nodded then brought the plates to the table. "I hope that Jesy has people in her classes who can get information to her."

"She's going to school later. Just not now." Sairah picked up the remote and turned the TV on.

Paige picked up her cup of tea on the counter and took a sip with eyes on the TV. "Wait a minute . . ."

Sairah frowned. "What the hell?"

The main story showing itself on Good Morning Britain was titled 'Nelson Strikes Again! She's now corrupted the world's angel'.

"Turn it up." Paige said as she watched closely.

Sairah turned up the volume to listen to what the reporters were saying.

"I mean I thought she'd become tame since she was at that gathering with those mentally challenged boys and-and since she went on an innocent fishing trip with Leigh-Anne's father but it seems like that was all a calm before the storm. Look at this picture!" Said an old male news reporter.

A picture showing Jesy and Leigh drinking from what looked like beer bottles on the stairway of an old building came up.

Sairah gasped. "Oh my God! Oh my God did Leigh drink last night? Oh gosh I don't think that's a good idea now. Her epilepsy hasn't been under control of late- oh my God!" She was losing her shit!

Paige didn't understand. "Why would Jesy make Leigh drink though?" The way the picture looked, it appeared as if Jesy had encouraged Leigh to buy a bottle of beer somehow. Or well one could infer that. Leigh didn't usually drink and yet she was drinking beer with Jesy. "This must be some sort of misunderstanding."

Sairah kept listening closely.

" . . . I mean I don't believe that Leigh-Anne Pinnock an epileptic and autistic individual would willingly be out late having a heated display of public affection in front of an old dirty building. Jesy must have decided to drag the poor child into this sort of disgusting behaviour." Said a female reporter now. A picture of Jesy pulling Leigh's jacket off while their lips connected on that same staircase came up now.

"The pictures speak for themselves. I mean . . . the child isn't used to taking in alcohol, so that's obviously why she was sick at the alley." Said the man as a picture of Leigh puking in an alley came up. The barf was blurred out.

The woman cringed. "Yes and the paps were somehow able to get a closeup picture of it but we won't show that here."

The man laughed. "And some people are apparently charging individuals who'd like to have a picture next to 'Leigh-Anne Pinnock's barf'. I mean it's really disgusting but that's not the point. The point is that Jesy Nelson is out of control and she's trying to get her fragile sick little confused autistic partner into all of her bad habits."

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