Chapter 20

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After their shower, Jesy and Leigh made their way to Leigh's class.

"Does it hurt any less babe?" Jesy asked her girl.

Leigh-Anne had two tissues rolled up in her nostrils. "It doesn't hurt so much anymore." She said. She pulled a tissue out and looked at the blood. "Mmm blood's real scary."

"Yeah it is. Poor thing." Jesy kissed the girl's cheek as they entered the classroom.

Leigh-Anne brought her books to her desk and then sat there. She removed the other tissue from her nose and then tossed it into the bin next to her desk. She and Jesy were pretty early but the class was filling up pretty quick.

"Aww Leigh what happened?? Do you have a nose bleed??" A student asked causing everyone to look to the front.

Jesy sat next to Leigh and she already started to feel sleepy in doing so. "Yeah she hurt her nose while we practiced for our routine with the cheerleaders." She answered.

"Awww!" Everyone said.

Cammie was in the class as well. She found what Jesy said to be pretty heartbreaking. Leigh had done cheerleading before in high school but was it really safe for someone as fragile as her to do now while already being stressed about the public and managing her class?

"Aww man poor thing. First she had an anxiety attack yesterday and now her nose is bleeding." Howard held his chest.

"Jesy should comfort her more." Holden said wanting to see them being all cute and close.

Cammie frowned by him saying that. She wanted to go rub Leigh's back . . .

Leigh felt a little light headed since she lost so much blood a while ago. "It's okay. I'm fine."

"You shouldn't be cheering. You're gonna break yourself! You poor little thing!" A dramatic student said.

Leigh-Anne shrunk a bit. Did they think that she was even more helpless because of what happened yesterday? I've got to act more like an authority figure. "It's alright." She said with a smile. She got up now. "It's about time for our class so I hope everyone is ready."

"And I hope that you brought your inhaler this time around so you won't fall apart like yesterday. Yikes." Said Michelle.

The class started grumbling. She was kinda getting on their nerves . . .

Leigh-Anne heard that comment but she didn't entertain it. It didn't even really make sense actually. "Okay so today we are going to continue with what we started yesterday alright?" She went to the board, feeling a bit more confident since she wasn't freezing up or anything.

Jesy yawned at the desk and then decided to go ahead and sleep. As she did she thought of all that she studied. She also remembered Jade and everyone's advice about relaxing. Relaxing . . . She had been able to do a bit of a Lego house so maybe that meant that she could do this. Yeah I'll be fine, I'll be fine. She kept sleeping.

"Oh gosh now we've really got to go to the football game." Howard said.

"Yeah I wanna see Jesy and Leigh in those skimpy outfits. Woohoo." Holden whispered.

Cammie blushed at the thought of seeing Leigh-Anne in the flesh wearing a skimpy cheerleading uniform. That would be interesting. She looked at where Jesy was sleeping and imagined her wearing a uniform too. Her face got even hotter.

"Oh gosh Jesy'd look dynamite. Reminds me of that scene in the movie she was in where she'd been in that disguise and . . . oh yeah." Howard fanned at his face while his brother acted excited.

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