Chapter 30

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The next day, Sairah woke up with eyes which felt as if they had not gotten rest.

She saw curly brown hair around her chest area and when she looked down a bit more she made out Jesy's forehead and closed eyes.

Based on the tiny bit of light in the room she assumed that it was around five a.m. W-wait . . . Paige said that Jesy's mum told her that she'd be here at sunrise. The woman would have come in the night before but she had said that she didn't feel comfortable leaving Jade and Perrie at home. They had already been asleep by the time Paige had called- for some reason- and she had not wanted to wake them but now she would definitely be on her way.

Sairah decided to shake her head and to sit up.

Jesy made an odd noise once Sairah parted from her. "Maaahhh!" She said, sounding like a baby lamb.

Sairah felt Jesy's upper body come into her lap. What the . . .

Jesy cuddled into her and smiled in her sleep.

Sairah sighed and then rubbed Jesy's back gently.

She heard Paige sit up with a start from the floor.

"Did she wake up?" Paige asked, her hair seeming messy. She got up to stretch and many knots in her back were undone. It seemed as if she had been sleeping on the cold floor.

Sairah didn't remember falling asleep in here and she did not remember Paige coming in either. What happened? "Uhh . . ."

Paige looked at how comfy Jesy seemed on Sairah and she had to smile. "She just loves human interaction and affection doesn't she?"

"Guess so but I can't stay in bed with her. We need to look out for her mum, my mum, Leigh, my dad, maybe even her dad and Dr Hernandez." Sairah got Jesy off her lap as gently as she could and she saw Jesy's eyes open up.

Paige made a face. "Heeey there sleepy head. Feeling any better?"

Jesy sat up and held her head. "Ohhhh ohhh . . . ohhh . . ." She sounded as if she was in pain.

Sairah felt Jesy hold both her shoulders. "What's wrong babe?"

Jesy puked on her.

"Ooo . . ." Paige didn't want to laugh but it was kind of sudden. "Sairs don't get mad."

"It's fine. Leigh's my little sister remember?" Sairah looked down at the mess and shook her head. "Did that help?"

Jesy held her mouth and then climbed out of bed. She seemed to have no balance so fell onto Paige.

Paige supported her easily. "Must be all the vitamins Sairah told me you've been taking."

Jesy's eyes were squinted and she looked like a little chipmunk. "What . . . is even happening?"

To Sairah she sounded like she was in a better frame of mind so that was good. Now she hopped out of bed. "We'll fill you in in a bit. Come on." She started helping Jesy to the bathroom, even with barf still on her clothes.


Later, Jesy was drinking tea quietly in the kitchen, her pigtails appearing a lot messier than they had been the day before.

Sairah just checked her phone at the counter. She and Paige stood over their own cups of tea. "Everyone should be here soon but we should expect Jesy's mum first. RiRi's gonna try to get us on video call since she's so busy these days."

Paige nodded. "Okay good." She looked to Jesy who seemed to be waking up a bit more. "I think we kept her in more or less good shape for the night." She cringed.

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