Chapter 25

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Monday rolled by quickly and Jesy found herself on school grounds bright and early, feeling nothing short of 'like a wreck'.

"So what I'm saying is that. In a business, these things are important. If you look closely . . ." The professor at the front of the class was pointing to some highlighted notes on his projected slide show while he taught. He was wearing a bathrobe and pyjamas though . . .

Jesy was trying hard to keep still and to pay attention but all she could think of was how hard it had been to say goodbye to Leigh this morning and how sad it would be when she got home and the girl wasn't there.

Don't worry Jesy everything will be fine okay? You'll be alright.

Yeah of course I will. Enjoy your break okay babe?

Okay Jesy. Bye! Bye Sairah! Bye Paige!

And then she just got whisked away. She stared in space while thinking this. Over the weekend she and Leigh had been as close to each other as they usually were if not closer. Jesy kept being extra clingy- something she had been self-conscious of- but Leigh didn't mind. Leigh had helped Jesy to study, Jesy had helped Leigh to build Lego houses and they'd played with their pets.

The girl sighed wistfully and felt herself deflate while she remembered Leigh leaving. It's just for a week. It'll be fine. She thought.

This was the Business class that she shared with Cammie and her friends . . .

Cammie had been focusing on the lesson at first but after a while she just couldn't help but notice Jesy. Her eyes narrowed as she remembered what she'd caught Jesy and Leigh doing on Friday at that game. You've got Leigh in all of your dirty business with you. She'd told her friends about it and they had said that she was being kind of overly petty. They'd told her that Leigh probably got caught up in the moment with Jesy and that was why they nearly had sex in the open but Cammie was convinced that it was Jesy's bad influence which had caused Leigh to do something of that nature in the first place. Leigh-Anne having sex . . . She thought of it and it made her blush. . . . with Jesy . . . She bit her lip in aggravation. Obviously Leigh most likely had already thought of engaging in sexual intercourse with Jesy by now but the point was that Jesy was going to lead her to do it OUT IN THE OPEN! Exactly! And for that she was infuriated and felt that Jesy was out of hand once again. She would use what she saw in the next video she wanted to post about Jesy online but she felt that it was really personal and didn't want Leigh to feel violated.

But I'm onto you Jesy. Right now Leigh wasn't here and Cammie felt that Jesy would probably be at her worst behind the girl's back. Where is she again? No one had specified. All they knew was that she'd be out for the week. Cammie hoped that the girl wasn't sick from all the drama from Friday. Maybe she is. She shook her head at Jesy.

Someone tapped her arm then and she looked and saw Howard pouting at her. "Jesy seems so sad without Leigh." He whispered.

Cammie frowned and then turned to look at Jesy. Well I guess she looks sa-

"Think she'll tell us where Leigh is if we ask?" Holden said from her other side.

Cammie shrunk a bit. She really did want to know where Leigh had gone but she felt weird about asking Jesy for that information. "Ugh you guys can ask her if you want but I don't wanna get near her." She kept taking notes.

The twins looked at each other, sharing cringes. They still needed to talk to Cammie about her little crush. It really made no sense to crush on a taken woman.

After class Jesy pulled her bag over her shoulder and started to leave with an air of sadness.

"Hey Jesy you okay?" Roc asked as he caught up with her in the doorway.

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