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Thorin looked back at me. Fear was in his blue eyes. The goblin king followed Thorin's gaze to see me. "Ah the elven princess of Lothlórien. Bring her forward" He demanded. My arms were roughly grabbed and I was thrown next to Throin. "I might get more money for you. The pale orc has been on a mission to find his lady of the elements" The goblin king said as he got closer to me. "I am not his lady" I said trying to hide the slight blush forming on my cheeks. "I'm sure Azog would say different. He's had his eye on you for quite some time" The king said. Thorin placed his hand on the small of my back to tell me everything would be okay. "And with Thorin Oakenshield. Oh surely if Azog knew this he would be more than willing to pay every penny he has to have your head" The goblin king said walking over to a small goblin in a bucket. "Send word to the pale orc that I have Thorin Oakenshield and the lady of the elements. Tell him he has become very fond of his princess of Lothlórien" The goblin king said as the small goblin took off down a rope. "There is nothing that pleases me more than to see a lovely couple torn apart" The goblin king said laughing. "Torture them! I want Oakenshield's head" He yelled. Thorin was thrown on the ground. A goblin held a knife up to his neck.
Suddenly there was a bright flash of lights and the goblins were knocked down. "Take up arms! Fight! Fight!" Mithrandir told us. We took no time to think over his words and ran. We fought off goblin after goblin as we made our way through the tunnels. Mithrandir killed the goblin king and he fell onto the bridge we were standing on. The bridge fell down and down until it hit the floor. "Well that could've been worse" Bofur said. Just then the dead body of the goblin king fell on us. We started to make our way out of the cave being led by Mithrandir. "What did he mean when he said HIS lady?" Thorin asked. "He wishes to marry me" I said to Thorin. {"Do you wish to marry him?"} Thorin asked. {"I only wish to marry my true one and that is not him"} I said making Thorin smile. {"I only wish to marry you"} Thorin told me making me blush. We finally made our way out of the cave. "Where is our burglar?" Mithrandir asked. "Master Baggins saw his chance and took it" Thorin said harshly. "I doubt he will ever be seen again. He is long gone" Thorin said. "No. He isn't" Bilbo said as he walked into the middle of the company. Thorin's face relaxed. "How on earth did you get past the goblins?" Fili asked. Bilbo laughed and started to reach into his pocket. "What does it matter? He's back" Mithrandir said. "I want to know. Why did you come back?" Thorin asked. "I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right I often think of bag end. I miss my books, and my garden, and my arm chair. That's my home. And that's why I came back. You don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help to take it back if I can" Bilbo said. I looked around at the dwarves. They were silent and shocked by Bilbo's words. "Well Master Baggins I am glad you have returned" I said and hugged the hobbit. "I'm glad I returned too my lady" Bilbo said and smiled.
We hear the sound of wargs close by. "Out of the frying pan" Thorin said. "And into the fire" Mithrandir finished. "Run!" He yelled at us. We started running away from the wargs and reached the end of the cliff. "Into the trees! Quickly!" Mithrandir yelled. We climbed into the trees and sat on the branches. I was next to Thorin and Balin. "Are you okay?" Thorin asked me. I nodded as the wargs got closer. They started scratching at the trees. Azog appeared on top of his white warg. "Azog" Thorin said in disbelief. ~"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?"~ Azog asked his orcs. ~"I remember your father reeked of it Thorin son of Thráin"~ Azog said looking at Thorin with a sinister smile on his face. "It cannot be" Thorin said. Azog spoted me. ~"My princess of Lothlórien"~ He said and smiled. ~"Those two are mine. Kill the others!"~ He yelled and swung his mace in the air. The wargs jumped and bit the lower branches off the trees we were in. ~"Drink their blood!"~ Azog yelled. One of the trees tipped over causing the others to fall like dominos. We were all in one tree now and Mithrandir was starting to light pine cones of fire passing them to all the company. I helped light them but threw none out of fear of hitting Azog. {"How dare you travel with these filthy beings"} Azog said as he looked at me. Loud cracking was heard from under us. Our tree had started to tip over. I was thrown out of our tree and onto the hard ground. My vision started to go foggy. I felt a fimilar hand grab me and pick me up before I felt the fur of a warg beneath me.

Daughter of Lothlórien. Lady of the Elements.Where stories live. Discover now