Episode 37

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Today, we commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus (John 18:1-19:42). What does it mean to have Jesus die on the cross? One may say that the death of Jesus is for us to be saved from our sins; but do we understand it in our context? Aren't these clichés repeated year after year? Obviously, no one will be able to comprehend fully how God became man for us and even died for our sins. But the thing is we can still understand the death of Jesus in our own terms. How? It is when we are grounded to our suffering and the suffering of people around us.

It's ironic to see that many of us are passionate about social injustices yet we cannot toil to even respect our own parents. We post lots of social media content to raise awareness for self preservation say against the COVID-19 pandemic yet we wish the death of some politicians. We rant against the demands of the authorities but we do not even demand ourselves a single page for our academic aptitude. Unknowingly, we are becoming more and more suffering-resistant; thus resisting the Christ who died for us.

If we would only carry our own cross with sincerity and humility then we would be able to commiserate with those who are starving, empathize with those who are imprisoned, affirm the people who do their job amidst difficulties, appreciate the hardships of our parents just to raise us up, and most importantly, worship Jesus who never gives up on us. May we always remember to carry our own ugly cross because only by then that we are able to meet Jesus more meaningfully into our life. Amen.

TGIFY-Reflection #37
(Thank God It's Fri Yey!)
April 10, 2020

Fridays with JesusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora