Episode 39

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There was a reputable motivational speaker who was checking on his younger sister. The gentleman said, "How are you bud?" "I'm doing fine. Now how about you kuya, are you now well?" "Why would you ask me that question?", responded the older brother. "Hmm. Were you not affected by the breakup with ate?" "Nah! I'm excellent. The pain is only like the bite of an ant. You don't have to worry about me." Then the younger sister replied, "Kuya, you might be excellent in dealing with matters of the heart but there are moments in our life when pains are too much to handle. You have many persons to go to, like us, your family."

In our world, it is a common thing that we put value on what is many and not few. We oftentimes discriminate athletes who are in the pro but cannot put up good numbers. Also, we tend not to value pieces of advise coming from a person who has lesser experience than us. Then, we usually decline to invitations to eat by people whom we think are less fortunate; thinking that they will suffer from starvation after we consume the food they offer us.

In our gospel for today (John 6:1-15), we see the attitude of Jesus in contrast with the mindset of the world. When Jesus saw that the only available food was merely two loaves and two fishes to feed the five thousand in the desert, He did not tell the boy who had it, "Son, better consume the food for your survival. Don't worry, we are already adults, we can endure hunger." Instead, what Jesus did was raise up the five loaves and two fishes, gave thanks, and performed a miracle to feed the five thousand. When what we see is just a seed, Jesus sees a full grown tree. When what we see is just a single rebound, Jesus sees a championship. When what we see is just as single good action, Jesus sees a saint. When we feel irrelevant about our efforts, Jesus sees a victory over our mission. Jesus understood so well that great heights come from a simple step. May we always be reminded that no gift is too small in hands of Jesus. Amen.

TGIFY-Reflection #39
(Thank God It's Fri Yey!)
April 24, 2020

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