Episode 40

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There was a small kid who asked his father a question. The kid said, "Dad, why is it that some people yell at each other?" The father replied, "Why do you ask such a question, my son? Is there something that bothers you?" "Dad, I heard our neighbor yelling at one another. Why do they do such a thing?" "My son, always remember this. When hearts are so distant from each other, they need to shout in order to be heard." "Dad, now I know why you never yelled at us." 

Intimacy is defined as the state of a very close association, contact, or familiarity. This particular state of "nearness" and belongingness is sought after by all people. Unfortunately, many of us are looking for intimacy in the virtual realms. We go to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other platforms. After the likes, reacts, or shares, many of us are as empty as before. Perhaps, the unheard cries go like this: "I need a person who will never judge me" I need someone who will whisper into my ear and say how much he loves me" "I badly desire to feel secured by the love of someone."

In today's gospel (John 6:52-59), we find Jesus reverse the dynamics of people wanting for intimacy. Instead of people wanting for intimacy, we find Jesus who deeply wills to give His closeness for His people. When Jesus said, "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them" it means that He does not care of how He will look as long us we will be united to Him. Moreover, there is a big difference when we want to be close to Jesus than when Jesus wants to be intimate with us. When we want to be close to Jesus, there will be failures along the way; but when Jesus wants to be intimate with us, it is forever. May everyone of us partake Jesus into our lives. Amen.

TGIFY-Reflection #40
(Thank God It's Fri Yey!)
May 1, 2020

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