Chapter seven Bridge over troubled Water

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kaito's pov

'That stupid Kid anticipated all of my moves I barely got out of there, and Hakuba hit mu head pretty hard' then my hang glider began to go out of control. That's when I remembered the small tare the little kid made in my cape using the hang glider must have made it bigger and now....

"SSSHIT!!!!!"I crashed on the roof of an apartment building and blacked out.

When I woke up again I was lying on a couch in an apartment. In the room there was a T.V. playing the news It was the morning after the heist so I was all over the screen. There was another room connected to the one I was currently in all I could see in that room was a half of a table and a few empty chairs. Draped on the back of one of the chairs was my cape and blazer someone had mended them and hand embroidered the edge with yellow roses. I got up and walked over to the other room. The table had a yellow rose in a vase on it and at the end of the table which had previously been obscured sat the girl from a few days ago she sat slumped over the table with an assortment of threads she also had my hat which had yellow roses embroidered on the grey ribbon that went around the rim. 'had she done all of this for me? She must consider me a friend'

I knelt down beside her and looked at her face.The girl began to stir and woke up. She began to stare at me in confusion and I stared back in wonder. Then her eyes widened like she remembered something important.

"You should be sitting down you injured your head pretty bad last night!" she barked.

"It's just a bump I'm fi- Augh!" my head began to throb and nausea came over me like a ten foot wave,"Where's the bathroom?" I croaked.

"Ah... here let me take you,"She said wrapping her arm under mine and around my shoulders, "You have a concussion, remember I took you to the doctor last night."

"Oh yeah, Now I remember I threw up in the taxi." I began to vomit again after we reached the bathroom.

" Here I'll go fix you something to eat," She said leaving the room,"By the way Kaito, my name is Isabelle Arens, but you can call me Isabl for short."

Alright well that was eh not that long but nonetheless 

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